IC is a runtime inspired by HOC’s HVM2, that leverages interaction combinators as its computational model. A compiler for UnRust, an untyped language inspired by Rust, is partially implemented.
Interaction combinators are a model of computation that applies graph rewrite rules to three primary constructs:
- Eraser (
) - Duplicator (
) - Constructor (
These combinators operate as the fundamental components of computation, akin to how functions work in traditional models like the lambda calculus. In fact, a subset of the lambda calculus can be translated directly into interaction combinator networks. Most functions used in practice are within this subset.
The key features of interaction combinators include:
- Beta-optimality: This means that function applications are performed in the most optimal way possible, avoiding unnecessary computations.
- Automatic parallelization: Any algorithm that is inherently parallel can automatically be distributed across multiple cores when run on the interaction combinator runtime, without requiring explicit multithreading constructs.
The runtime evaluates interaction combinator expressions using graph rewrite rules. For an overview of the syntax used in the language, refer to the following grammar description:
<Node> ::=
| "*" -- (ERA)ser
| "@" <alphanumeric> -- (REF)erence
| <Numeric> -- (NUM)eric
| "(" <Tree> <Tree> ")" -- (CON)structor
| "{" <Tree> <Tree> "}" -- (DUP)licator
| "${" <Tree> <Tree> "}" -- (OPE)rator
| "?(" <Tree> <Tree> ")" -- (SWI)tch
<Tree> ::=
| <alphanumeric> -- (VAR)iable
| <Node>
<alphanumeric> ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_./-]+
from the HVM2 paper, as described in "HVM2: A PARALLEL EVALUATOR FOR INTERACTION COMBINATORS" by Victor Taelin, available at /~https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/HVM/blob/main/paper/HVM2.pdf.
To run the project, you'll need cargo nightly. Make sure to have Rust's nightly toolchain installed, as it is required to run the current state of the codebase.
rustup override set nightly
Below is a sample interaction combinator program that adds 2 and 3:
@main = x & 2 ~ $([+3] x)
It may be executed as follows
cargo run
Running `target/debug/ic.exe`
Please enter your code: @main = x & 2 ~ $([+3] x)
Tokens: [Reference, Alphanumeric("main"), Equal, Alphanumeric("x"), Ampersand, Alphanumeric("2"), Redex, Operate, LeftBracket, Operator(Add), Alphanumeric("3"), RightBracket, Alphanumeric("x"), RightParenthesis]
Program: Program {
main: Book {
name: Alphanumeric { s: "main" },
net: Net {
tree: Variable(Alphanumeric { s: "x" }),
redexes: [
Redex {
tree_1: Numeric(Number(Number { n: Alphanumeric { s: "2" }, native_num: U24(2) })),
tree_2: Operate(Operate { a: Numeric(Operation(Operation { op: Add, val: 3 })), b: Variable(Alphanumeric { s: "x" }) })
others: []
Result: Numeric(Number(Number { n: Alphanumeric { s: "5" }, native_num: U24(5) }))
- The core functionality of the interaction combinator runtime is operational, but it needs optimization and refactoring.
- The
compiler is still under development and not yet complete. - I’ve intentionally avoided dependencies beyond the Rust standard library to maximize transparency, making this project highly self-contained.