A library for quickly creating code caves in C++ on Win32
It will easily call your code cave from any location you specify or search for a code pattern and call your code cave from there.
The library will also automatically call any instructions replaced by the redirection code after your codecave has been called.
Example Code:
#include <windows.h>
#include "QuickCave.h"
void __declspec(naked) MyCodeCave(void);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
if (ul_reason_for_call == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
BYTE patternCode[] =
0x68, 0xE0, 0x67, 0x41, 0x00 //PUSH 0x4167E0
QuickCave::FindPatternAndRedirect(GetCurrentProcess(), "Test.exe", MyCodeCave, 0, 5, patternCode, sizeof(patternCode));
return (TRUE);
void __stdcall hookedFunction2()
MessageBoxA(0, "It works!", "Code Cave Example", 0);
void __declspec(naked) MyCodeCave(void)
call hookedFunction
//Code cave is called using a CALL instruction so we must return using RET
// Method: FindPatternAndRedirect
// FullName: QuickCave::FindPatternAndRedirect
// Access: public static
// Returns: void
// Qualifier:
// Parameter: HANDLE hProcess Process handle
// Parameter: const char * moduleName Module name to search for pattern in
// Parameter: LPVOID CodeCave Pointer to code cave
// Parameter: int patternRedirectOffset Offset from pattern location to call your code cave
// Parameter: UINT replaceLength Number of bytes to be replaced at the calling location, this must be at least 5
// Parameter: const BYTE * patternBuffer
// Parameter: UINT patternSize
// Parameter: int occurence Which occurence of the pattern to choose in case your pattern occurs more than once