The aim of this project is to perform visual inertial simultaneous localization and mapping with an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The drone used for this project is a PX4 Vision equipped with a Structure Core sensor. ROS2 is used, along several packages available: (1) the Cartographer package for mapping and localisation, (2) the ls2n_drone_ros2 packages to control drone motions. The first step of the project was to get an understanding of the packages. Then, to use the sensor SDK combined with Cartographer to perform SLAM. And, finally, using the obtained 3D map to track some trajectories with the UAV. The experiments were performed in the LS2N drone arena. The project report and result video could be found in this repository.
By using the built-in imu of the drone and the external motion capture device and the RGB-D camera of the drone, the final 3D point cloud map of the laboratory is obtained as shown in the figure below:
Compile in a ROS2 Workspace.
Launch the tf2 nodes using the launch file:
ros2 launch tf2_broadcaster
After, launch the cartographer node:
ros2 launch tf2_broadcaster
Use 'use_sim_time:=True' if working with a rosbag.
Finally we put all code in one launch file,so just run
ros2 launch tf2_broadcaster
By the way the condition to run the above code it that the simple launch moudle is already installed in the computer.