bid-for-good Public
BidForGood is an online auction platform that brings together passionate bidders and impactful charities.
WeatherApp Public
Application designed to provide current weather conditions and future forecasts.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 29, 2024 -
PA-MKR2 Public
Information to prepare for the algorithm design test
digital-marketplace Public
Digital marketplace built with next.js 14
tsp-genetic Public
TSP visualizer that uses Genetic algorithm with different parameters
TypeScript UpdatedNov 15, 2023 -
abc-vertex-coloring Public
Implementation of artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) for vertex coloring problem
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2023 -
external-sorting Public
CLI that implements generating and sorting huge files of random integer numbers using multiway merge and natural sorting algorithms
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2023 -
btree-dbms Public
That's the program that utilizes B Tree data structure to implement CRUD operations on a text-file DB
JavaScript UpdatedNov 9, 2023 -
path-finder Public
A Program that visualizes the path finding process using A* and BFS