Build a working implementation of Tic Tack Toe.
- Fork The Repo
- Implementing the classes marked with #implementThis (Yours/YourTurnService.ts, Yours/YourGameResultService.ts)
- Make sure all the tests pass in YourTests.html
- Use your game in YourTicTacToe.html
- SampleTests.html
- SampleTicTacToe.html
- Sample/SampleTurnService
- Sample/SampleGameResultService
- Display the contents of the board.
- Display who's turn it currently is.
- Allows two players to alternate turns placing Xs and Os
- Declares a winner when three Xs or Os appear in a line across, down or diagonally.
- Declares a tie when there has not been a winner and there are no spaces left unclaimed.
- Display information about past matchs.
- Tests proving your implementation.
- TypeScript - A general introduction to this superset of JavaScript, including using Enums, Interfaces, Classes and interacting with other libraries.
- Testing using Triangulation
- Dependency Inversion Principle in our controller and tests, allowing us a lot of reuse.
Implement the above requirements from scratch (File > New Project).