This page is for developers of the Zero Touch Installer for FreeTAKServer. Please refer to the official documentation for usage.
Clone the origin repository. The following is the official repository.
git clone --origin upstream /~ ${HOME}/fth-install
You will want to commit your work into a fork of the repository.
pushd ${HOME}/fth-install
git remote add origin <url-of-fork>
You will need some variant of Ubuntu 22.04 on your development machine. The following will install FTS on your development machine.
cat ./scripts/ | sudo bash -s -- --verbose
This will install the production repository,
unless you are modifying scripts/
you will want your cloned repository.
The following will remove any previously retrieved repository replacing it with a clone of the provided one.
pushd ${HOME}/fth-install
cat ./scripts/ | sudo bash -s -- --verbose --repo file://$(pwd)/.git
So long as you are working with the same git repository the --repo
option could (and should)
be omitted from subsequent runs as the default is to reuse the clone.
The ZTI is officially supported on the following platforms:
- Raspberry Pi
- Ubuntu Server
- Digital Ocean Cloud