This project is not maintained. It has been published as part of the following conference paper at IJCNN 2022:
Anomaly detection is a challenging task for machine learning methods due to the inherent class imbalance. It is costly and time-demanding to manually analyse the observed data, thus usually only few known anomalies if any are available. Inspired by generative models and the analysis of the hidden activations of neural networks, we introduce a novel unsupervised anomaly detection method called DA3D. Here, we use adversarial autoencoders to generate anomalous counterexamples based on the normal data only. These artificial anomalies used during training allow the detection of real, yet unseen anomalies. With our novel generative approach, we transform the unsupervised task of anomaly detection to a supervised one, which is more tractable by machine learning and especially deep learning methods. DA3D surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods in a purely data-driven way, where no domain knowledge is required.
Double-Adversarial Activation Anomaly Detection was published at IJCNN 2022 [13]. If you find our work useful, please cite the paper:
J. -P. Schulze, P. Sperl and K. Böttinger, "Double-Adversarial Activation Anomaly Detection: Adversarial Autoencoders are Anomaly Generators," 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892896.
We used docker
during the development.
You can recreate our environment by:
docker build -t da3d ./docker/
Afterwards, start an interactive session while mapping the source folder in the container:
docker run --gpus 1 -it --rm -v ~/path/to/da3d/:/app/ -v ~/.keras:/root/.keras da3d
The raw data sets are stored in ./data/
You need to add Creditcard [1], Census [2], Cover Type [3], DoH [4], EMNIST [5], NSL-KDD [6], Mammography [7] and URL [8] from the respective website.
For example, the URL's archive contains the file All.csv
Move it to ./data/url/All.csv
The rest is automatically handled in ./libs/
, where you find more information which file is loaded.
The baseline methods are stored in ./baselines/
Whereas we implemented A3, fAnoGAN and Deep-SVDD, you need to add DAGMM [9], GANomaly [10], FenceGAN [11] and REPEN [12] manually from the respective website.
For each data set, all applicable experiments are bundled in the respective do_*.py
You need to provide a random seed and whether the results should be evaluated on the "val" or "test" data, e.g. python ./ 123 val
Optional arguments are e.g. the training data pollution --p_contamination
Please note that we trained the models on a GPU, i.e. there will still be randomness while training the models.
Your models are stored in ./models/
if not specified otherwise using --model_path
After training, the respective models are automatically evaluated on the given data split.
As output, a .metric.csv
, .roc.csv
and .roc.png
are given.
By default, these files are stored in ./models/{p_contamination}_{random_seed}/
The first file contains the AUC & AP metrics, the latter two show the ROC curve.
The test results are the merged results of six runs:
python3 110 210 310 410 510 610 710
We sometimes had problems loading the trained models in TensorFlow's eager mode. Please use graph mode instead.
│ do_*.py (start experiment on the respective data set)
│ (calculate the mean over the test results)
│ (file you're looking at)
└─── data (raw data)
└─── docker (folder for the Dockerfile)
└─── libs
│ └───architecture (network architecture of the alarm and target networks)
│ └───network (helper functions for the NNs)
│ │ (main library for our anomaly detection method)
│ │ (reads, splits, and manages the respective data set)
│ │ (wrapper class to generate comparable experiments)
│ │ (methods to evaluate the data)
└─── models (output folder for the trained neural networks)
└─── baselines (baseline methods)
- [1]
- [2]
- [3]
- [4]
- [5]
- [6]
- [7]
- [8]
- [9] /~
- [10] /~
- [11] /~
- [12] /~
- [13]