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FoxESS Canbus Protocol between BMS and H series inverter (extended V1 supporting cell mV and temps)

Can bus @ 500k - all Extended ID, little endian

For the BMS to HV2600 Battery RS485 protocol, see the following repo FoxESS BMS Battery RS485

Basic Protocol

When starting up, the Foxess battery storage system unlike other systems does not have a formal adoption process, the inverter 'polls' the BMS every 1 second and if the BMS responds with a valid message then it is assumed available.

The BMS responds to the inverter polls, but only after it has sent the inverter one copy of the BMS data and all pack data will it close it's contactor and become operational.

The inverter sends a number of different requests with specific time intervals and the BMS responds with the data requested.


Received frame

0x1871 [0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

This is sent by the inverter every 1 second and appears to be the poll for bms_send_pack_statistics.

Response frames (complete pack statistics)

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x1872 batt_volt_max batt_volt_max batt_volt_min batt_volt_min max_charge_A max_charge_A max_discharge_A max_discharge_A
0x1873 pack_volt_now pack_volt_now pack_current sense pack_current sense pack_SoC 0x00 pack_kwh_remain pack_kwh_remain
0x1874 pack_temp_max pack_temp_max pack_temp_min pack_temp_min cut_mv_max cut_mV_max cut_mV_min cut_mV_min
0x1875 BMS_temp BMS_temp pack_state(note5) number_packs 0x01 contact 0x00 cycle_count cycle_count
0x1876 charge inhibit(note6) 0x00 cells_volts_max cells_volts_max 0x00 0x00 cells_volts_min cells_volts_min
0x1877 packError(note7) 0x00 0x00 0x00 batt type(note 8) 0x00 ** See Note 3 pack_id 0x10
0x1878 AC_volts_max AC_volts_max 0x00 0x00 wh_total wh_total wh_total wh_total
0x1879 ErrorCode(note2) FLAGS (Note1) 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

** Note1: FLAGS are binary bits

bits 0,1 & 2 are status, bit 3 set if discharging, bit 4 set if charging, bit 5 is 1 if on-line, bit 7 so far always 0

bit Off-line On-line On-line Error Notes
(charge) (discharge) Status
bit0 0 1 1 0 02=Error, 03=ok_Discharge
bit1 1 0 1 1 04=idle?
bit2 1 1 0 0 05=ok_Charge, 06=offline
bit3 1 0 1 1 discharge flag
bit4 1 1 0 1 charge flag
bit5 0 1 1 0 operational
bit6 0 0 0 1 active error
bit7 0 0 0 0

** Note2: Error Code are binary bits

don't now what all states mean yet, x03 generated when forced pack comms error and contactor dropped out - inverter reports bat volt volt.

bit On-line Error Notes
bit0 0 1 03=Pack Comms Error
bit1 0 1
bit2 0 0
bit3 0 0
bit4 0 0
bit5 0 0
bit6 0 0
bit7 0 0

** Note3: 0x1877 b6 this is firmware version, the top nibble is major version, bottom nibble is minor version however BMS and packs represent it differently i.e.

for the packs (b7 =10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80) then b6 0x1F = 0001 1111, version is v1.15, and if b6 was 0x20 = 0010 0000 then = v2.0,

for the BMS (b7=01) then convert b6 hex to decimal 0x12 = 018 , and if b6 was 0x14 then = 020

** Note4: 0x1876 cell volts min / max - these appear to be used by the inverter to populate Home Assistant sensors (0x1874 b4-b7 are the BMS cut voltages usually a steady 3,200mV hi/lo)

** Note5: 0x1875 b2 contains status for operational packs (responding) in binary so 01111111 is pack 8 not operational, 11101101 is pack 5 & 2 not operational

** Note6: 0x1876 b0 bit 0 is 1 when maxsoc is observed and/or BMS master instructs charge is not permitted. Charge is permitted if 0. This is a critical safety element for inhibiting battery charging, KH series relies on this bit and ignores 100% SoC limits

** Note7: 0x1877 b0 appears to be an error code, 0x02 when pack is in error

** Note8: 0x1877 b4 defines BMS master modules/battery type, where 0x52 is HV2600 V2 BMS master, 0x82 is HV2600 V1 slave, 0x83 is ECS4100 v1 slave, 0x84 is HV2600 V2 slave



Received frames

0x1871 [0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

This is sent 0.5 seconds after the bms_send_pack_statistics appears to be a bms_stop_sending (or an 'ack'), it does not elicit a BMS response

Received frames

0x1871 [0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

This is only sent after BMS communications is established (a valid response to a poll request) and occurs 0.5 seconds after the bms_stop_sending message, the BMS responds with BMS and each battery pack serial numbers.

Response frames (pack serial numbers)

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x1881 pack_id (1=1) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC)
0x1882 pack_id (1=1) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC)
0x1883 pack_id (1=1) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN (ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC) Pack1 SN(ASC)

repeats up [num_packs]

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x1881 pack_id (8=1) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC)
0x1882 pack_id (8=1) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC)
0x1883 pack_id (8=1) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN (ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC) Pack8 SN(ASC)

Received frame

0x1871 [0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

This is only sent after BMS communications is established (a valid response to a poll request) and occurs 6 seconds, the BMS responds with the individual battery pack status.

Response frames (individual pack data)

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x0C05 Pack_1_Current Pack_1_Current Pack_1_avg_hitemp Pack_1_avg_lotemp pack_1_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_1_volts pack_1_volts
0x0C06 Pack_2_Current Pack_2_Current Pack_2_avg_hitemp Pack_2_avg_lotemp pack_2_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_2_volts pack_2_volts
0x0C07 Pack_3_Current Pack_3_Current Pack_3_avg_hitemp Pack_3_avg_lotemp pack_3_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_3_volts pack_3_volts
0x0C08 Pack_4_Current Pack_4_Current Pack_4_avg_hitemp Pack_4_avg_lotemp pack_4_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_4_volts pack_4_volts
0x0C09 Pack_5_Current Pack_5_Current Pack_5_avg_hitemp Pack_5_avg_lotemp pack_5_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_5_volts pack_5_volts
0x0C0A Pack_6_Current Pack_6_Current Pack_6_avg_hitemp Pack_6_avg_lotemp pack_6_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_6_volts pack_6_volts
0x0C0B Pack_7_Current Pack_7_Current Pack_7_avg_hitemp Pack_7_avg_lotemp pack_7_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_7_volts pack_7_volts
0x0C0C Pack_8_Current Pack_8_Current Pack_8_avg_hitemp Pack_8_avg_lotemp pack_8_SoC b4-7chg/dis? pack_8_volts pack_8_volts



Received frame

0x1871 [0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

0x1871 [0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

These messages are only sent after BMS communications is established (a valid response to a poll request), they are sent together as a pair (100mS apart). They are sent by the inverter every 3 seconds and is the poll message for the bms to send extended data for individual cell data - bms_send_pack_cell_volts and bms_send_pack_cell_temps.

Response frames (cell mv values)

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x0C1D cell_1_mv cell_1_mv cell_2_mv cell_2_mv cell_3_mv cell_3_mv cell_4_mv cell_4_mv
0x0C21 cell_5_mv cell_5_mv cell_6_mv cell_6_mv cell_7_mv cell_7_mv cell_8_mv cell_8_mv
0x0C25 cell_9_mv cell_9_mv cell_10_mv cell_10_mv cell_11_mv cell_11_mv cell_12_mv cell_12_mv
0x0C29 cell_13_mv cell_13_mv cell_14_mv cell_14_mv cell_15_mv cell_15_mv cell_16_mv cell_16_mv
0x0C2D cell_17_mv cell_17_mv cell_18_mv cell_18_mv cell_19_mv cell_19_mv cell_20_mv cell_20_mv
0x0C31 cell_21_mv cell_21_mv cell_22_mv cell_22_mv cell_23_mv cell_23_mv cell_24_mv cell_24_mv

repeats up [144_cells]

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x0CA1 cell_133_mv cell_133_mv cell_134_mv cell_134_mv cell_135_mv cell_135_mv cell_136_mv cell_136_mv
0x0CA5 cell_137_mv cell_137_mv cell_138_mv cell_138_mv cell_139_mv cell_139_mv cell_140_mv cell_140_mv
0x0CA9 cell_141_mv cell_141_mv cell_142_mv cell_142_mv cell_143_mv cell_143_mv cell_144_mv cell_144_mv

then immediately followed by cell temps (decimal 50 offset)

ID b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
0x0D21 cell_1_temp cell_2_temp cell_3_temp cell_4_temp cell_5_temp cell_6_temp cell_7_temp cell_8_temp
0x0D29 cell_9_temp cell_10_temp cell_11_temp cell_12_temp cell_13_temp cell_14_temp cell_15_temp cell_16_temp
0x0D31 cell_17_temp cell_18_temp cell_19_temp cell_20_temp cell_21_temp cell_22_temp cell_23_temp cell_24_temp
0x0D39 cell_25_temp cell_26_temp cell_27_temp cell_28_temp cell_29_temp cell_30_temp cell_31_temp cell_32_temp
0x0D41 cell_33_temp cell_34_temp cell_35_temp cell_36_temp cell_37_temp cell_38_temp cell_39_temp cell_40_temp
0x0D49 cell_41_temp cell_42_temp cell_43_temp cell_44_temp cell_45_temp cell_46_temp cell_47_temp cell_48_temp
0x0D51 cell_49_temp cell_50_temp cell_51_temp cell_52_temp cell_53_temp cell_54_temp cell_55_temp cell_56_temp
0x0D59 cell_57_temp cell_58_temp cell_59_temp cell_60_temp cell_61_temp cell_62_temp cell_63_temp cell_64_temp




Received frame

0x1871 [0x03, 0x06, 0x17, 0x05, 0x09, 0x09, 0x28, 0x22]

This message is sent by the inverter every '6' seconds (0.5s after the pack serial numbers) and contains a timestamp in bytes 2-7 i.e. <YY>,<MM>,<DD>,<HH>,<mm>,<ss>


. . . . .

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There is no warranty expressed or implied: you take sole responsibility for everything you do with this information and your equipment.
There is no warranty to the accuracy of the content, nor any affiliation, or in any way a connection to FoxESS Co. Ltd


FoxESS Canbus Protocol between BMS and H series inverter






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