This repository provides a real-world example of using Open Tofu to deploy a basic infrastructure setup on AWS, including an EC2 instance running an ncr service and an S3 bucket.
- Open Tofu installed
- AWS CLI installed
- AWS CLI configured with your credentials (see section below)
- A VPC ID where the security group will be created
- An AMI ID for the EC2 instance
- ncr service binary uploaded to an S3 bucket
- ZenCode smart contracts to be stored in an S3 bucket (ask andrea)
From Console Home: search "IAM" (IAM -Manage access to AWS resources )
Create a user
Create a user group and assign the user the permissions:
- IAMFullAccess
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser
- EC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
Add the user to the user group (make sure it's added)
In the user page, click "Create access key" and then "Command Line Interface (CLI)"
Download .csv
Configure the AWS CLI (points 3 to 8), using the config file by running:
aws configure
The command writes the files: ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config
Clone this repository
git clone /~ cd tf-ncr
Intro and setup (optional)
- You can configure ami, bucket_name, public_key_path and user_data path modifying the terraform.tfvars file, otherwise default setting will be applied.
- The port 52760 is used in pipe-tf-ncr (ancillary to DIDroom_microservices and can otherwise be closed in
Deploy onto AWS EC2 without SSH access (EC2 -> AMI) Use this commands if you want to create an AMI, to be used by 3rd parties, from the EC2: the EC2 instance must be created without embedding a pubkey for SSH access. The SSH network won't be affected.
make deploy SSH=n NewPKey=n # ContractsURL=https://github../tf-pqcrypto-scripts
Deploy onto AWS EC2 with SSH access
make deploy SSH=y NewPKey=y
If you already have a public key or you created one (via
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "myEDDSAkeyForAWS" -f ./myED25519Key && chmod 700 ./myED25519Key
) then you can place it in the makefile folder and usemake deploy SSH=y NewPKey=n
The default deployed services are /~ if you want to change it use the parameter
and specify a different github with contracts:make deploy SSH=y NewPKey=n ContractsURL=someGithubUrlWithAZenroomContratsFolder
After some minutes, once infrastructure is fully deployed, the previous script should return the IP and DNS of the AWS ec2 instance you just created, then you can:
Connect via ssh as admin
Navigate to the folder tf-ncr/ and use ssh (note: assignedIP can be the IP or the URL of the AWS ec2 instance produced by OpenTofu)
ssh -i ./myED25519Key admin@assignedIP # or admin@assignedDNS
Visualize the ncr service documentation web page via http
Write in your browser the url http://assignedIP:8080/docs or http://domainName:8080/docs
Note: you can find the assignedIP or the domainName to witch the IP is associated in your AWS ec2 instances page or in output variables after "terraform apply" command
make destroy
Notice: Errors may occur if configuration is changed and applied without before destroying. If problems occur try destroy before deploying again.