V2 is currently rewritten at: /~https://github.com/lamnguyencse17/foodgether
Best lunch ordering web app for Kobiers
A simple way to order lunch together:
- Host just only input the link of shop and app will generate link for members
- Members choose and submit
- Summary the final number of orders
Please refer to the following readmes to start locally
To start locally in production mode (hopefully it's working), run this command: bash local-start.sh
- Frontend: React, Typescript, Jotai, NextUI
- Backend: Express, Typescript, Prisma
- Realtime: Golang, GRPC
- Database: MongoDB
- Caching: Redis
Nguyen Quang Lam - lamnguyencse17
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- For urgent contact, please message me on Facebook
- For collaboration, please send an email to nguyenquanglam3008@gmail.com