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Folds edited this page Apr 15, 2014 · 4 revisions

This page is part of the English programming language's Git Cheat Sheet.
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  1. Sign up for GitHub at: /~

  2. Log in to GitHub.

  3. Follow the directions at: to download and install git, and tell your local copy of git what your GitHub user id and e-mail are. The Pro Git book's chapter 1.4 Installing Git has the high-level commands for installing on Linux, Mac, or Windows. Chapter 1.5 First Time Git Setup has the commands for telling git who you are. In the shell you use to run git, for example: git config --global "John Doe" and git config --global

  4. Some installation tricks: If you are a Linux user who uses gedit, make sure that you have gedit 3 (not gedit 2). This might require purging gedit's dependencies, using sudo apt-get purge gedit and sudo apt-get purge gedit-common and then re-installing gedit, using sudo apt-get install gedit /racing and sudo apt-get install gedit-common /racing. The /racing option changes occasionally. It used to be /quantal and soon it will be /saucy

  5. Some setup tricks: If you are a Linux user who uses gedit, make sure that you use gedit in stand-alone mode, so that gedit waits for you to close gedit before gedit tells git that you are done. In the shell you use to run git, type: git config --global core.editor gedit -s (gedit 3 has stand-alone mode; gedit 2 does not. If you do not use stand-alone mode when gedit is already open, git will reject all your commits.)

  6. In the shell, go to the directory one above where you want to have your repository. For example, on a Linux system, this might be: ~/ On a Windows system, this might be: My Documents/

  7. Follow the directions in chapter 2.1 Getting a Git Repository to clone the repository. For example: git clone git:// This will put a copy of cal's .exe in ~/osmosian/cal-3041.exe or My Documents/osmosian/cal-3041.exe It will also create a file called .gitignore in the same folder, and a subfolder called .git

    git remote add osmosian git://