This is a Bandai WonderSwan (Color/Crystal) & Benesse PocketChallenge V2 emulator for the Nintendo GBA.
When the emulator starts, you press L+R to open up the menu. Now you can use the cross to navigate the menus, A to select an option, B to go back a step.
- Load Game: Select a game to load.
- Load NVRAM: Load non volatile ram (EEPROM/SRAM) for the currently running game.
- Save NVRAM: Save non volatile ram (EEPROM/SRAM) for the currently running game.
- Save Settings: Save the current settings (and internal EEPROM).
- Reset Game: Reset the currently running game.
- Autofire: Select if you want autofire.
- Swap A-B: Swap which GBA button is mapped to which WS button.
- Gamma: Lets you change the gamma ("brightness").
- Contrast: Lets you change the contrast.
- B&W Palette: Here you can select the palette for B & W games.
- Speed: Switch between speed modes.
- Normal: Game runs at it's normal speed.
- 200%: Game runs at double speed.
- Max: Games can run up to 4 times normal speed (might change).
- 50%: Game runs at half speed.
- Autoload State: Toggle Savestate autoloading. Automagically load the savestate associated with the selected game.
- Autoload NVRAM: Toggle EEPROM/SRAM autoloading. Automagically load the EEPROM/SRAM associated with the selected game.
- Autosave Settings: This will save settings when leaving menu if any changes are made.
- Autopause Game: Toggle if the game should pause when opening the menu.
- Overclock EWRAM: Changes the waitstates on EWRAM between 2 and 1, might damage your GBA and uses more power, around 10% speedgain. Use at your own risk!
- Autosleep: Change the autosleep time, also see Sleep.
- Machine: Select the emulated machine.
- Change Battery: Change to a new main battery (AA/LR6).
- Clear internal EEPROM: Reset internal EEPROM.
- Headphones: Select whether heaphones are connected or not.
- Cpu speed hacks: Allow speed hacks.
- Half Cpu Speed: Just half the emulated cpu speed.
- Sound: Turn sound emulation on/off.
- Debug Output: Show FPS and logged text.
- Disable Foreground: Turn on/off foreground rendering.
- Disable Background: Turn on/off background rendering.
- Disable Sprites: Turn on/off sprite rendering.
- Step Frame: Emulate one frame.
Some info about the emulator and game...
Put the GBA into sleepmode. START+SELECT wakes up from sleep mode (activated from this menu or from 5/10/30 minutes of inactivity).
Start is mapped to WS Start. Select is mapped to WS Sound.
In horizontal games:
- D-pad is mapped to WS X1-X4.
- A & B buttons are mapped to WS A & B.
- Holding L maps the D-pad to WS Y1-Y4.
In vertical games:
- D-pad is mapped to WS Y1-Y4.
- A, B are mapped to WS X3,X4.
There are 2 games that I know of that has serious problems.
- Chou Denki Card Game: You need to initialize NVRAM, this is the last item on the first page (初期化).
- Mahjong Touryuumon, speed too fast.
There are a couple of games that have visual glitches.
- Digimon - Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer, missing background gradient in battles.
- Final Fantasy, Sprites show in dialog windows.
- Final Lap 2000, incorrect road colors.
- Final Lap Special - GT & Formula Machine, incorrect road colors.
- From TV Animation One Piece - Grand Battle Swan Colosseum, incorrect sky color.
- Makaimura, first boss sprites are glitchy, gargoyles in intro should not show up on the right.
- Romancing Sa-Ga, sprites overlap text boxes.
- Sorobang, needs all 1024 tiles in 4color mode.
- WonderSwanColor BIOS, needs all 1024 tiles in 4color mode.
Huge thanks to Loopy for the incredible PocketNES, without it this emu would probably never have been made.
Thanks to:
Ed Mandy (Flavor) for WonderSwan info & flashcart.
Koyote for WonderSwan info.
Alex Marshall (trap15) for WonderSwan info.
Guy Perfect for WonderSwan info
asie for info and inspiration.
Godzil for the boot rom stubs. /~
lidnariq for RTC info.
plasturion for some BnW palettes.
Dwedit for help and inspiration with a lot of things.
Fredrik Ahlström
Twitter @TheRealFluBBa