Ps2IsoTools is an ISO editor designed to work with the UDF file system, specifically for use with PS2 games. Ps2IsoTools is heavily derived from DiscUtils and includes many of its ISO, UDF, and other classes.
Meta data about files such as Creation Date and Last Modified Date are lost when building or rebuilding ISOs.
using (var reader = new UdfReader("path-to-local-iso.iso"))
// Get list of all files
List<string> fullNames = reader.GetAllFileFullNames();
// FileIdentifiers are used to reference files on the ISO
FileIdentifier? fileId = reader.GetFileByName("file-name");
if (fileId is not null)
// Read data from file
using (BinaryReader br = new(reader.GetFileStream(fileId)))
// Copy file from the ISO to your local drive
reader.CopyFile(fileId, "path-to-copy-to");
var builder = new UdfBuilder();
builder.VolumeIdentifier = "volume-identifier";
// Add file via byte array
builder.AddFile("text.txt", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Text file text"));
// Add directory
// Add file from local drive
builder.AddFile(@"directory\file.bin", "path-to-local-file");
// Add file from Stream
// Has optional bool parameter to make a copy of the Stream in RAM (default: false)
// so that it is safe to close before calling Build()
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("path-to-local-file", FileMode.Open))
builder.AddFile(@"directory\streams\file.dat", fs, true);
// Has string optional parameter to copy the ISO immediataely so that the original is preserved
using (var editor = new UdfEditor("path-to-local-iso.iso", "optional-path-to-copy-to.iso"))
var fileId = editor.GetFileByName("file-name");
if (fileId is not null)
// Write directly to a specific file on the ISO
// Does not require Rebuild()
using (BinaryWriter bw = new(editor.GetFileStream(fileId)))
var data = new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF };
// Replace a file entirely
// Has optional bool parameter to make a copy of the Stream in RAM (default: false)
// ISO must be rebuilt with Rebuild() to save changes
// Does not edit file name, only contents
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("path-to-local-file", FileMode.Open))
editor.ReplaceFileStream(fileId, fs, true);
// Remove a file from the ISO
// Requires Rebuild()
// Add a file, same as UdfBuilder
// Requires Rebuild()
editor.AddFile("Text.txt", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Text file text"));
// Add a directory, same as UdfBuilder
// Requires Rebuild()
// Rebuild the ISO (Creates entirely new meta data using UdfBuilder)
// Optional string parameter to output a new ISO file
// Overwriting the current ISO will temporarily cause a spike in RAM usage ~2x total ISO size
// as all of the files will be stored in MemoryStreams during the process