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A batching StatsD reporter for Coda Hale's metrics library


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A batching StatsD reporter for Coda Hale's metrics library along with a simple StatsD client and server library.

** This is a fork of /~ that currently just avoids AOT-compiling the jar so it can be used with versions of clojure other than 1.8 **


There are many implementations of the StatsD protocol, but most send a packet per metric. This is fine for a few metrics but adds considerable overhead for applications with dozens or hundreds of metrics. We found one reporter that aggregates all metrics from a report into a single packet with a fixed buffer size, but there was nothing to prevent that buffer from being exceeded, causing metrics to be dropped and corrupted.

This library provides a metrics reporter that aggregates metrics into batches based on a maximum size (in bytes) and a maximum latency, sending the minimum number of packets while still maintaining the MTU requirements of your network.




[com.farmlogs/metrics-statsd "0.1.9"]



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Metrics Reporter


The metrics-statsd reporter is exposed as a Java class:

final MetricRegistry metrics = new MetricRegistry();

// create a StatsD reporter that sends metrics to localhost
StatsDReporter reporter = new StatsDReporter(registry, "");

// start reporting metrics every 15 seconds
reporter.start(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

A longer constructor is also provided which takes the following parameters:

parameter type library default description
registry MetricRegistry required report source
host String "" StatsD host
port Integer 8125 StatsD port
maxSize Integer 1432 maximum metric payload in bytes
maxLatency Integer 20 maximum batch latency
filter MetricFilter allow all filter metrics to report
rateUnit TimeUnit seconds time unit for rates
durationUnit TimeUnit milliseconds time unit for durations


A Clojure function is also provided to generate a new reporter:

(require '[metrics-statsd.core :as statsd])
(import 'com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry

(def registry (MetricRegistry.))

;; create a new metrics reporter with default options
(def reporter (statsd/new-statsd-reporter registry))

;; start reporting metrics every 15 seconds
(.start reporter 15 TimeUnit/SECONDS)

new-statsd-reporter can take an additional options map corresponding to the StatsDReporter constructor parameters mentioned above:

  {:host          ""
   :port          8125
   :max-size      1432
   :max-latency   20
   :filter        MetricFilter/ALL
   :rate-unit     TimeUnit/SECONDS
   :duration-unit TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS})

StatsD Client

You can use metrics-statsd's batching statsd client independently from Coda Hale's metrics library. It provides a Manifold stream that sends any metrics put on the stream. Metrics are maps with the following keys:

key type description
:name string metric name; :, `
:type symbol :gauge, :counter, :timer, :histogram, :meter, or :set
:value double metric value; all numbers coerced to doubles

To send metrics, put! metrics onto the client, which returns a Manifold deferred:

(require '[ :as s]
         '[metrics-statsd.communication :as comm])

;; create a statsd client for:
;;   server:  
;;   port:              8125
;;   max batch size:    1432 (bytes)
;;   max batch latency: 20 (milliseconds)
(def client (comm/client "" 8125 1432 20))

;; send a counter metric
@(s/put! client {:name  "test.counter"
                 :type  :counter
                 :value 0})
;; => true

;; close the client socket:
(s/close! client)

Metrics will be batched into payloads of max size within max latency and sent to the server.

StatsD Server

metrics-statsd also provides a server which understands batches. server returns a Manifold stream source containing all metrics sent from clients.

;; create a server that listens on port 8125
(def server (comm/server 8125))

;; whenever a new metric arrives, print it
(s/consume #(println %) server)

;; send three metrics from the client
(dotimes [n 3]
  @(s/put! client {:name  (str "test" n ".counter")
                   :type  :counter
                   :value n}))

;; the following lines are printed:
;; {:name test0.counter, :value 0.0, :type :counter}
;; {:name test1.counter, :value 1.0, :type :counter}
;; {:name test2.counter, :value 2.0, :type :counter}

;; close the server socket:
(s/close! server)


Copyright 2016 OrgSync.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A batching StatsD reporter for Coda Hale's metrics library







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