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Environmental configuration for Clojure projects inspired by the Ruby dotenv gem. clj-config loads config values in descending order of preference from

  • environmental variables
  • .env.local
  • .env

.env and .env.local are files in the project's root folder of the format

KEY="VALUE" # and a comment

note values must be quoted

Typically a project's repo will include .env files corresponding to each non-prod environment, i.e., and For development, symlink an enviroment's config to .env (ln -s .env), and override any values in .env.local (not stored in git).


Config values should be declared using the defconfig macro, and config should be initialized by calling init!, e.g.

(require '[clj-config.core :refer [defconfig init!]])

  :env [[foo "BAZ"]
        [bar "QUX" {:default 42
                    :parser #(Integer/parseInt %)
                    :validator #(< 13 % 100)}]]
  :app [[sentry-cfg :sentry]                                   ; grab entire map
        [sentry-url [:sentry :dsn] {:validator #"^https?://"}] ; or just bits
        [sentry-usr [:sentry :usr]]])                          ; and pieces

(init!) ;; call init! once as the app starts

;; @foo contains the value of BAZ

defconfig creates delays foo, bar, sentry-cfg, sentry-url, and sentry-usr. init! will raise an exception if an environmental var declared in defconfig isn't present.

(for :app vars, exception is raised if the app-config edn structure does not contain the keypath specified in defconfig)

Each entry in the defconfig form can be supplied with an optional map with the following keys:

Key Type Meaning
:default arbitrary Will supply the var with this value if it's not found in the environment.
:parser function Converts the string found in the environment into the proper data.
:validator extender of IValidate Examines the parsed data for correctness.

The IValidate protocol has already been extended to clojure.lang.IFn and to java.util.regex.Pattern. These types can be passed in the :validator out of the box. Functions used as validators should return a boolean.


Make a config fixture in your test namespace and call (make-config-fixture ...)

(def +my-sample-config+
     {:name "Mail"
      {:incoming {:name "message-api.mail.Incoming" :routing-key "mail.incoming"}
       :outgoing {:name "message-api.mail.Outgoing" :routing-key "mail.outgoing"}}}}}})

(use-fixtures :once
  (make-config-fixture +my-sample-config+))


{:sentry-dsn {:dev           nil
              [:ci :qa]      "ci/qa sentry dsn"
              #{:production} "prod sentry dsn"  ;; infra specifies 'production'
              :default       "default dsn"}

 :web-server-threads {:dev 80
                      :ci 40
                      :qa 20
                      :production 10
                      #{:default} 4}

 :api-key "invariant"

 :nested {:url ""
          :pwd "m30w"
          :usr {[:dev :ci] "mittens-dev"    ;; vectors will be coerced to sets
                #{:qa}     "mittens-qa"
                :production "mittens-prod"
                [:default] "mittens-default"}}}

;; NOTE:
;; The current version of clj-config is hard-wired to recognize :default as a fall-back.
;; This bites, and will hopefully be made open to extensibility on the next go-round.


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