Why-> We noticed that Github is not a social environment, and also Gitter messages is not always sutible to use, on the other hand the social networks (like Facebook, twitter) is better for connection and making relationships, but also we can't explore others protoflio for example.
What-->So we built a community (A BIG FAMILY) that contains current and past members of FAC, with personal info and professional skills.
Current and past FAC students, and the staff.
Make relations, Work, Discuss, Cross culture.
- The importance of being a community, a family and a big international network.
- FAC members needs a differant way to connect by a social media for example, with other campus.
- Good app 😍 , but UI needs some edits.
- UI, UX still needs more improvment.
- Bug with edit my profile (temporarily fixed).
- Login, auth with Github.
- General search box.
- Profile page with the needed data.
- Add discussions to the home page.
- Improve the UI,UX with new components.
- Work availability.
HTML, CSS, JS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap 4, Github authentication API v3
Visit the Link
- Clone the repo
- Run $ npm install
- $ npm run build:db, npm run watch
- Use your browser and jump into
Done by: Abdallah, Madhoun , Wadia , Ahmed .