Matlab code for modal analysis of 3D objects.
function [V,F,U,q] = computeModalBasis(filename, varargin)
% Input:
% filename holding volume or surface mesh (in m)
% (.stl, .obj, .msh)
% if a volume mesh is provided, the corresponding surface mesh with the same
% name should be located next to it
% Output:
% .msh holding the generated volume mesh if a surface mesh is provided (generated by tetgen)
% .javabin holding the modal basis (k modes)
% Options:
% 'Young' followed by Young's modulus (Pa) of object (default 1e4)
% 'Density' followed by density (kg/m3) of object (default 5000)
% 'NbModes' followed by number of modes to compute (default 10)
% 'Indices' followed by list of indices of fixed nodes (default none)
% 'Boxes' followed by list of axis aligned boxes ROI for fixed nodes (default none)
% 'Draw' followed by true or false to visualize the modes
- Install tetgen:
- Download and add to Matlab path: /~
- Change the path to tetgen in gptoolbox/wrappers/path_to_tetgen.m
computeModalBasis("models/snake.stl", "Draw", true);
If the volume mesh already exists just run:
computeModalBasis("models/snake.msh", "Draw", true);