This repository hosts my collection of mini coding projects, including my university homework and hobby projects. The projects are primarily coded in Kotlin, Java, Flutter, C#, and Python. This is an excellent resource for developers who wish to refine their coding skills or are interested in viewing diverse project document is available in every main folder under the repository.
Here's a brief description of the main directories in this repository:
UniversityHomeWork: This folder contains codes I've written for university courses.
MiniAndroidKotlin/JavaProjects: This folder includes mini Kotlin and Java projects I've developed for the generally Android platform.
Each directory contains a self-contained project or solution, and they can be viewed or run independently.
Clone the repository:
git clone /~
Navigate into the directory:
cd MiniProjectHub
Choose a project and run it using the appropriate compiler or IDE for the language (Kotlin, Java, Flutter, C#, or Python).
Contributing: Feel free to submit pull requests or raise issues for any bugs you may encounter or improvements you believe could be made.
License: This project is licensed under the given license.
Contact: For further inquiries, please contact me through my LinkedIn or via email at
Thank you for visiting my repository! I hope you find these projects helpful in your coding journey.