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Single-cycle RISC CPU with 5-stage pipeline and multiplication & division support based on RV32I, verified & deployed rotating leds on Genesys2.


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Single-cycle RISC CPU with Five-stage Pipeline


⛓ Prerequisites

  1. 编译工具:iverilog
  2. 仿真波形查看:gtkwave
  3. 可选:Vivado、Genesys2开发板

📜 Directory

  1. ./rtl 下为RTL源码,其中 ./rtl/core/pipeline 包含使用五级流水线实现所需的模块
  2. ./test/mem 下为仿真测试所需文件,其中 .s 为测试的汇编程序(包括可部署至FPGA及便于仿真的简化程序),.mem 为对应的机器码;./test/ 包含使用iverilog编译、仿真、查看波形等简单命令

🛠️ Usages

  • 使用iverilog进行仿真,通过 -s <example_name> 指定所仿真的示例,从而选择不同的 .mem 指令至 imem 中。具体选项参见下方示例或 ./test/。所生成的 .vvp.fst 波形文件位于 ./test/simple./test/pipeline (若使用五级流水线实现)下。

    1. RV32I指令测试仿真程序

      bash test/ -s SIM_VALUE25

      若成功运行且RTL正确,将输出仿真正确信息,仿真的最后 dmem 地址100处将写入25。

    2. 单向流水灯仿真程序

      bash test/ -s SIM_ROTATING_LEDS

      t4 寄存器将等时间间隔地(对应实际间隔0.5s)从 32'h132'h2 左移至 32'h80,再 32'h01,以此往复,从而对应实际8个LED的单向依次闪烁。

    3. 双向流水灯仿真程序

      bash test/ -s SIM_DB_ROTATING_LEDS

      t4 寄存器将等时间间隔地(对应实际间隔0.5s)从 32'h132'h2 左移至 32'h80,再右移至 32'h01,以此往复,从而对应实际8个LED的双向依次闪烁。

    4. 五级流水线部署实现。通过 -p 选项编译五级流水线实现的CPU:

      bash test/ -s SIM_ROTATING_LEDS -p
      # Also works
      bash test/ -p -s SIM_VALUE25
  • 使用Vivado进行上板部署:需例化Clock Wizard IP,并根据FPGA实际时钟(单端/差分)修改例化部分的RTL代码。在Genesys2开发板上,需例化一双端差分转单端、无复位、100MHz输出的Clock Wizard IP。

    1. 单向流水灯。若在Vivado上部署此工程,则在 ./rtl/core/config.vh 下开启此宏定义:



    2. 双向流水灯。若在Vivado上部署此工程,则在 ./rtl/core/config.vh 下开启此宏定义,同时注释前一宏定义:

      // `define USE_ROTATING_LEDS_EXAMPLE    // This macro definition will mask the next one.


    3. 五级流水线部署实现。若在Vivado上实现五级流水线部署,则在 ./rtl/core/config.vh 下开启此宏定义:

      `define USE_PIPELINE

📚 Introduction of Examples

  1. 所实现的RV32I指令包括:

    Instruction opcode funct3 funct7
    ADD 7'b0110011 3'b000 0
    SUB 7'b0110011 3'b000 7'b0100000
    AND 7'b0110011 3'b111 0
    XOR 7'b0110011 3'b101 0
    OR 7'b0110011 3'b110 0
    SLT 7'b0110011 3'b010 0
    SLL 7'b0110011 3'b011 0
    SRL 7'b0110011 3'b100 0
    ADDI 7'b0010011 3'b000 immediate
    ANDI 7'b0010011 3'b111 immediate
    XORI 7'b0010011 3'b101 immediate
    ORI 7'b0010011 3'b110 immediate
    SLTI 7'b0010011 3'b010 immediate
    SLLI 7'b0010011 3'b011 immediate
    SRLI 7'b0010011 3'b100 immediate
    BEQ 7'b1100011 3'b000 immediate
    LW 7'b0000011 3'b010 immediate
    SW 7'b0100011 3'b010 immediate
    JAL 7'b1101111 immediate immediate
  2. RV32I指令测试:测试所设计的所有指令,最终将25写入 dmem 地址100处

    #       RISC-V Assembly         Description               Address   Machine Code
    main:   addi x2, x0, 5          # x2 = 5                  00        0x00500113
            addi x3, x0, 12         # x3 = 12                 04        0x00C00193
            addi x7, x3, -9         # x7 = (12 - 9) = 3       08        0xFF718393
            or   x4, x7, x2         # x4 = (3 OR 5) = 7       0C        0x0023E233
            and  x5, x3, x4         # x5 = (12 AND 7) = 4     10        0x0041F2B3
            add  x5, x5, x4         # x5 = (4 + 7) = 11       14        0x004282B3
            beq  x5, x7, end        # shouldn't be taken      18        0x02728863
            slt  x4, x3, x4         # x4 = (12 < 7) = 0       1C        0x0041A233
            beq  x4, x0, around     # should be taken         20        0x00020463
            addi x5, x0, 0          # shouldn't happen        24        0x00000293
    around: slt  x4, x7, x2         # x4 = (3 < 5)  = 1       28        0x0023A233
            add  x7, x4, x5         # x7 = (1 + 11) = 12      2C        0x005203B3
            sub  x7, x7, x2         # x7 = (12 - 5) = 7       30        0x402383B3
            sw   x7, 84(x3)         # [96] = 7                34        0x0471AA23
            lw   x2, 96(x0)         # x2 = [96] = 7           38        0x06002103
            add  x9, x2, x5         # x9 = (7 + 11) = 18      3C        0x005104B3
            jal  x3, end            # jump to end, x3 = 0x44  40        0x008001EF
            addi x2, x0, 1          # shouldn't happen        44        0x00100113
    end:    add  x2, x2, x9         # x2 = (7 + 18)  = 25     48        0x00910133
            sw   x2, 0x20(x3)       # mem[100] = 25           4C        0x0221A023
    done:   beq  x2, x2, done       # infinite loop           50        0x00210063
  3. 单向流水灯。板上时钟频率100MHz,借助 t5 寄存器及循环计数,达到

    $$ 100\text{M}/(2047\times 8192\times 3)\approx 2\text{Hz} $$

    分频,实现间隔~0.5秒闪烁效果。在Genesys2上,t4 寄存器低八位对应8个LED。

    #           RISC-V Assembly         Description                     Address  Machine Code
    init:       addi t5, x0, 2047       # count_max, t5 = 2047          00       0x7FF00F13
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*2        04       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*4        08       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*8        0C       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*16       10       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*32       14       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*64       18       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*128      1C       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*256      20       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*512      24       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*1024     28       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*2048     2C       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*4096     30       0x01EF0F33
                add  t5, t5, t5         # count_max, t5 = 2047*8192     34       0x01EF0F33
                addi t6, x0, 256        # led_max, t6 = 256             38       0x10000F93
                addi t4, x0, 1          # init led value, t4 = 1        3C       0x00100E93
    clean_cnt:  addi t3, x0, 0          # clear count(t3).              40       0x00000E13
    count:      addi t3, t3, 1          # count++                       44       0x001E0E13
                beq  t3, t5, mov_led    # if count==max, jump mov_led   48       0x01EE0463
                jal  count              #                               4C       0xFF9FF06F
    mov_led:    add  t4, t4, t4         # led << 1.                     50       0x01DE8EB3
                beq  t4, t6, clean_led  #                               54       0xFFFE84E3
                jal  clean_cnt          #                               58       0xFE9FF06F


    Register Address Meaning
    t3 5'b11100 Counter of t5
    t4 5'b11101 LED result
    t5 5'b11110 0.5s time count
    t6 5'b11111 Led max value
  4. 双向流水灯。在上述示例基础上实现双向闪烁,主要利用左移( SLLI )、右移( SRLI )。

     #           RISC-V Assembly         Description                     Address Machine Code
     init:       addi t5, x0, 2047       # count_max, t5 = 2047          00      0x7FF00F13
                 addi t3, x0, 13         # loop_cnt = 13                 04      0x00D00E13
                 addi x1, x0, 0          # x1 = 0                        08      0x00000293
     init_loop:  addi x1, x1, 1          # x1 += 1                       0C      0x00128293
                 slli t5, t5, 1          # t5 << 1                       10      0x001F3F13
                 beq  x1, t3, start      # if x1 == t3, jump start       14      0x005E0463
                 jal  init_loop          #                               18      0xFF5FF06F
     start:      addi t6, x0, 256        # led_max = 256                 1C      0x10000F93
                 addi x1, x0, 1C         # x1 = 1                        20      0x00100093
     new_cycle:  addi t4, x0, 1          # init led value, t4 = 1        24      0x00100E93
     inc_clr_cnt:addi t3, x0, 0          # clear count(t3)               28      0x00000E13
     inc_count:  addi t3, t3, 1          # count++                       2C      0x001E0E13
                 beq  t3, t5, inc_led    # if count == max, jump inc_led 30      0x01EE0463
                 jal  inc_count          #                               34      0xFF9FF06F
     inc_led:    slli t4, t4, 1          # led << 1                      38      0x001EBE93
                 beq  t4, t6, jump256    # if led = 256, jump jump256    3C      0x01FE8C63
                 jal  inc_clr_cnt        #                               40      0xFE9FF06F
     dec_clr_cnt:addi t3, x0, 0          # clear count(t3)               44      0x00000E13
     dec_count:  addi t3, t3, 1          # count++                       48      0x001E0E13
                 beq  t3, t5, dec_led    # if count == max, jump dec_led 4C      0x01EE0663
                 jal  dec_count          #                               50      0xFF9FF06F
     jump256:    srli t4, t4, 1          # led >> 1 = 128                54      0x001ECE93
     dec_led:    srli t4, t4, 1          # led >> 1                      58      0x001ECE93
                 beq  t4, x1, new_cycle  # if led = 1, jump new_cycle    5C      0xFC1E84E3
                 jal  dec_clr_cnt        #                               60      0xFE5FF06F


    Register Address Meaning
    x1 5'b00001 Temporary register
    t3 5'b11100 Counter of t5
    t4 5'b11101 LED result
    t5 5'b11110 0.5s time count
    t6 5'b11111 LED max value


Single-cycle RISC CPU with 5-stage pipeline and multiplication & division support based on RV32I, verified & deployed rotating leds on Genesys2.








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