The Capstone Experience is an independent project completed by all Hun Seniors and PGs. It provides opportunities for students to complete in-depth studies or explorations of things that are meaningful to them.
Peter and I decided to build a mini car using Arduino that its motion is controlled by the music(notes/ frequencies) played by his soprano saxophone. The main algorithm we used was the FFT(Fast Fourier Transform), which computes the DFT(Discrete Fourier Transform).
Youtube link to see actual running:
Arduino Uno board
Electret Microphone Amplifier - MAX4466
FA-130 Motors
L9910 Motor Dual-Channel H-Bridge Motor Driver Module
Plastic Chassis and wheels
This arduinoFFT library is suitable for our purpose with great consistency and accurarcy -- /~
And some helpful articles throughout the building proccess:
Example code and graphs to show results --
Very good explaination of the FFT and DFT, but it is in Matlab --