Hello and welcome. In this library I included a list of projects I created in the tutorials to help you Master React as well as ReactJS related libraries.
List of projects included in this library:
- hooks
- hello-world-react
- starter-project
- hello-redux
- react-redux-cart
- hello-jest-enzyme
- hello-jest-enzyme-ts
- ts-clock-app
- hello-preprocessors
- material-ui-ts
- react-routing-ts
- react-typescript-redux-login
- functional-class-components
- mern-login
- recoil-contact
- recoil-testimonials
- mailchimp-newsletter
- e2e_ts_testing_with_puppeteer
- optimize-ts
- histogram-d3-ts
- world-map-chart
- world-map-widget
- bubble-chart
- binary-tree-ts
- react-d3-hello-world
- basic-charts
- force-chart
- react-chart-libraries
- area-brush
- area-chart-with-brush
- word-cloud
- donut-chart
- bisector
- 3d-force-chart
- save-png-jpg-pdf
- ecr-ecs-github-ci-cd
To download a single folder instead of the entire library from Github, there are many approached you can take, see here. The easiest way is to use DownGit sites (find one on Google), then paste the directory URL, for example to download the: start-project use: /~https://github.com/EliEladElrom/react-tutorials/tree/master/starter-project
$ yarn install
If you can use help with your React project or have a burning question, or an issue in your project that needs help with, I invite you to hire me as your Coach. My strategy is 100% results-oriented. If you want to sample how I work 1-on-1, let’s schedule a one-time deep dive Consultation. Additionally, I will tutor you in react, javascript, typescript, mongodb, node, d3.
- Take the interactive d3 and React Course
- Take the Digital Course & get a 40 pages React book
- View the article on Medium
- Visit my site EliElrom.com
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