TenableTrawler (Cloud OR FedCloud) is a Python-based project designed to pull scan results using the Tenable API and different Tenable scan results into an organized output that is POAM-ready. The project includes several scripts to handle various types of scans and export the results in different formats such as CSV, JSON, and YAML.
- Fetches scan results from Tenable.io using the Tenable API.
- Supports exporting scan results to CSV, JSON, and YAML formats.
- Organizes scan results into a structured format suitable for POAM (Plan of Action and Milestones).
- Includes GitHub Actions workflows to automate the fetching and exporting of scan results on a scheduled basis.
- Python 3.x
- Tenable API Access Key and Secret Key
- Required Python packages listed in
- Fork and Clone the repository:
Fork First
git clone /~https://github.com/YOURUSERNAME/TenableTrawler.git
cd TenableTrawler
- Install the required Python Packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set Up a Python Virtual Environment (Optional But Recommended)
python3 -m venv tenable
source tenable/bin/activate
- Set the Tenable API Access Key and Secret Key as environment variables:
export TIO_ACCESS_KEY='your_access_key'
export TIO_SECRET_KEY='your_secret_key'
- Variable for timestamping file name later
YEAR=$(date +"%Y")
MONTH=$(date +"%B")
END_DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ")
- Run the desired script. For example, to run the tenable.py script:
# was = Web App Scanning
# cloud.tenable.com
python3 src/cloud_trawler.py --download-path scans/cloud/vulmgt/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/
python3 src/cloud_trawler-webapp-tio.py \
--output-dir scans/cloud/was/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/ \
--file-name "${END_DATE}_findings.csv"
## fedcloud.tenable.com
python3 src/fedcloud_tenabletrawler.py --download-path scans/fedcloud/vulmgt/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/
python3 src/fedcloud_trawler-webapp-tio.py \
--output-dir scans/fedcloud/was/${YEAR}/${MONTH}/ \
--file-name "${END_DATE}_findings.csv"
The project includes several GitHub Actions workflows to automate the fetching and exporting of scan results:
- Cloud Tenable VM Scan Results:
- Cloud WebAppScanning Scan Results:
- FedCloud Tenable VM Scan Results:
- FedCloud WebAppScanning Scan Results:
These workflows are triggered on a schedule and can also be manually triggered via the GitHub Actions interface.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with your changes
This project is licensed under the Apache2 License.