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Gutenberg Block Plugin to display a shareable post on Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.

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=== Click 2 Share ===
Contributors: sinaee
Tags: threads, twitter, reddit, x, tweet, click to tweet, social share
Requires at least: 6.6
Requires PHP: 8.0
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 1.3.2
License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Gutenberg Block Plugin to display a shareable post on Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.

== Description ==

The **Click 2 Share** plugin is a simple, one-click shareable block for the Gutenberg editor, making it effortless for blog visitors to share your content on Social media platforms such as Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) or Reddit.
This call to action in your blog will help you to grow your content visibility and visitor engagement.

### Key Features

* **One-Click Share**: Streamline the process of sharing blog posts, encouraging greater engagement and visibility on social media.
* **Mix and Match**: Create text blocks for Meta Threads, X or Reddit on the same page. Every block can be different.
* **Gutenberg Block Integration**: Seamlessly add the Click 2 Share block to any post or page using the Gutenberg editor.
* **Customizable Settings**: Choose between dark and light base styles, set a username for attribution, and customize the default text for the share link. Further customization with CSS is possible.
* **Default Settings**: Set the default settings to be applied to every new block created.

== Installation ==

1. **Install**: Access your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, and search for "Click 2 Share." Click "Install Now." Activate the plugin to start integrating shareable content blocks into your posts.
1. **Configure**: You can set default settings in the "Click 2 Share" settings page for new blocks.
1. **Use**: In the Gutenberg editor, add a "Click 2 Share" block to your post, adjusting the base style, username, and default share text in the block settings for each block.

Alternatively, you can also build from source from the [GitHub repository](/~

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why use this plugin? =

Click 2 Share is designed to seamlessly integrate with your blog; this plugin enables visitors to effortlessly share your content on top social media platforms Meta Threads, X (formely Twitter) and Reddit with just a single click. Simple to use yet powerful in impact, Click 2 Share is an essential tool for bloggers aiming to expand their digital footprint and attract more viewers.

= Which Social media platforms are supported? =

Currently, Meta Threads, X (former Twitter) and Reddit are supported. Let me know if you are looking to support a specific platform!

= Can I customize the Click 2 Threads block? =

Select from dark or light themes inspired by Meta Threads or use CSS for deeper customization. You can set deault settings to make new block creation quick.

= How can I track shares? =

You can use website analytics such as [Plausible]( or [Google Analytics]( to capture clicks on links that take users to a website other than your own. With Plausible I can confirm it working.

= Is Click 2 Share compatible with all WordPress themes? =

While designed for WordPress 5.0 and higher, it should work with any theme that supports Gutenberg blocks. Testing with your specific theme is recommended.

= How can I get support or report an issue? =

For support or to report an issue, visit the [GitHub repository](/~ or contact me at

== Screenshots ==

1. Editor view with sideplanel and different color options.
1. Click 2 Share plugin with custom CSS as found on
1. Overview of settings page with default settings.

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.2 =
* Compatibility requires now 6.6 or higher. Not exactly sure why...
* Finalized unit tests
* As a result quite some refactoring and bug fixes

= 1.3.1 =
* Fixed shortlink implementation via WP REST API
* First suite of unit tests

= 1.3.0 =
* Added option to use the WP shortlink instead of permalink. Some WP plugins can transform these shortlinks and enable tracking
* Cosmetic improvements and bug fixes

= 1.2.0 =
* X, Reddit and Threads now possible sharing destinations
* Cosmetic improvements and bug fixes

= 1.1.6 =
* Fix in build process

= 1.1.5 =
* Cosmetic improvements for Wordpress plugin directory

= 1.1.4 = 
* Updates of dir structure and assets for publishing on Plugin directory.
* Small fixes

= 1.1.3 =
* Small fixes based on Wordpress initial code review

= 1.1.2 =
* Rename to "Click 2 Share" because of Wordpress directory trademark rules 

= 1.1.1 =
* Fix: slight border in editor for white background themes
* Fix: Readme, screenshots, logo and slug

= 1.1.0 =
* New Feature: Shows remaing letters on message editor
* Fixes: Various improvements in code structure, code documentation, JS linting and bug fixes

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial Release.