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First stable release

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@salvafern salvafern released this 01 Feb 09:55

This is the first stable release of the EMODnetWFS package. Features included:

  • See the EMODnet Web Feature Service endpoints (tibble EMODnetWFS::emodnet_wfs)
  • Create a WFS client using the ows4r library (EMODnetWFS::emodnet_init_wfs_client())
  • Perform getCapabilities request, returned as a tibble (EMODnetWFS::emodnet_get_wfs_info())
  • Perform getFeatures request on different EMODnet lots. Response as a sf object. Can change the CRS on the client side (EMODnetWFS::emodnet_get_layers())
  • Perform getCapabilities request on all EMODnet lots. This is experimental (EMODnetWFS::emodnet_get_all_wfs_info())