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updating documentation to include pygmes and protein mode
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Paul Saary committed May 19, 2020
1 parent af3c1e9 commit f6530d0
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Showing 4 changed files with 141 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion docs/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ help:
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile
eukcc -h > _static/eukcc-help.txt
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions docs/_static/eukcc-help.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
usage: eukcc [-h] --db DB [--outdir OUTDIR] [--config CONFIG] [--ncores int]
[--ncorespplacer int] [--hmm HMM] [--training] [--proteins]
[--bed file.bed] [--force] [--keeptemp] [--fplace] [--noglob]
[--quiet] [--debug] [--HPA] [--nPlacements n] [--minGenomes n]
[--fullineage] [--minPlacementLikelyhood float] [--mindist n]
[--touch] [--gmes] [--pygmes] [--diamond DIAMOND] [--plot] [-v]

Evaluate completeness and contamination of a MAG. Args that start with '--'
(eg. --db) can also be set in a config file (specified via --config). Config
file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see
syntax at If an arg is specified in more than one
place, then commandline values override config file values which override

positional arguments:
fasta Run script on this bin (fasta file)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--db DB Path to EukCC DB
--outdir OUTDIR, -o OUTDIR
Location for the output. Names will be prefixed using
the bin filenames
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
Config file to define parameters, YAML
--ncores int, -n int set number of cores for GeneMark-ES, pplacer and Hmmer
--ncorespplacer int Pplacer requires a lot of memory. If you want you can
set less cores for pplacer, which improves memory
consumption significantly
--hmm HMM run hmmer on all these HMMs instead
--training Run EukCC in training mode (needed to create a new
release of the DB)
--proteins Input fasta is proteins
--bed file.bed, -b file.bed
You can pass a bedfile of the protein location to omit
fragmented proteins being detected twice
--force, -f Force rerun of computation even if output is newer
than input. Don't resume previous run.
--keeptemp Keep all temporary files, by default EukCC will remove
some temp files
--fplace, -p Force rerun of placement and subsequent steps
--noglob, -g Do not expand paths using glob
--quiet, -q Silcence most output
--debug, -d Debug and thus ignore safety
--HPA Set placement method to HPA
--nPlacements n Set number of proteins to support location in tree
(default: 2)
--minGenomes n Minimal number of genomes to support a set (default:
--fullineage Output full lineage for MAGs
--minPlacementLikelyhood float
minimal pplacer likelyhood (default: 0.4)
--mindist n Distance to collapse hits (default: 2000)
--touch Do not run, but touch all output files
--gmes only run GeneMark-ES
--pygmes Use pygmes, will improve eukccs capability of running
on highly fragmented bins but will take longer
--diamond DIAMOND required to use pygmes option
--plot produce plots
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ EukCC

Install <install.rst>
Tutorial <usage/tutorial.rst>
EukCC options <usage/options.rst>
FAQ <FAQ.rst>

Expand Down
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions docs/usage/options.rst
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EukCC options explained

EukCC in genome (default) mode
When launching EukCC without special
parameters, it will assume that a
genomic fasta file was passed as input.
Thus GeneMark-ES will be used
to predict proteins.

.. code-block:: shell
eukcc --db eukccdb -o . genome.fna
EukCC in protein mode
If proteins for a genome or MAG were already predicted
using a nother pipeline, EukCC can be used to
estimate the completeness and contamination.

For this EukCC requires at least the proteins as Fasta
file. Internally EukCC ignores repeated proteins that
occure very close to each other on a genomic level. This
is due to common gene prediction errors and subsequent
duplicated hits with profile hmms. Thus it is possible
to pass the genomic coordinates for each protein as a bed
file to EukCC. Such a file can easily be prepared from
gtf or gff files. If no bed file is provided, this step
will be skipped.

.. code-block:: shell
eukcc --db eukccdb -o . \
--protein genome.faa \
--bed coordinates.bed
EukCC using pygmes
GeneMark-ES uses a self training step to generate a model
for the provided genome. Somtimes highly fragmented or
incomplete genomes can fail to provided enough training data
for GeneMark-ES model creation to succeed.

In these cases EukCC can rely on pygmes to select a suitable
model from previous analysed genomes. This allows to estimate
genome completeness also for very incomplete genomes.

For pygmes to select a suitable model the user needs to provide
a diamond data base with taxonomic information.
Such a database can be downloaded here:

.. code-block:: shell
wget -O uniref50_pygmes.dmnd
EukCC can then be launched with:

.. code-block:: shell
eukcc --db eukccdb -o . \
--pygmes \
--diamond uniref50_pygmes.dmnd \
EukCC -h

.. include:: ../_static/eukcc-help.txt

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