NetPing is a simple utility to ping any given address and show the output in a nice graph.
It's a great way to monitor a connection or host and gives feedback in an intuitive user interface.
Target: Obviously this is the target that you want to ping
TTL: This is the maximum TTL (Time-To-Live) for a packet
Timeout: This is the ping timeout in ms (milliseconds). Pings that take longer are considered timed out
Interval: This is the ping interval in ms (milliseconds)
Display: This is the amount of pings to display in the graph
Get the latest release here: /~
Please use the GitHub issue-system for bugs or feature requests: /~
This section is focussed on development of NetPing, in case you want to build your own version(s).
This application was written using Visual Studio 2015 and .NET Framework 4.5.2 on Windows 10 1511.
It will most likely build fine on different configurations, but might require some modifications.
The version number is stored in two locations:
- In the projects assembly info file: 'NetPing\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs'
- In the projects C# project file: 'NetPing\NetPing.csproj'
- In the installer setup.iss file (only used for the installer): 'Installer\setup.iss'
Note: This installer uses 3rd party components from innodependencyinstaller to automatically download and install the correct .NET framework if required. See 'Installer\innodependencyinstaller' for the license of innodependencyinstaller.
NetPing uses the Inno Setup Compiler to generate an executable installer.
The installer project files are located in the 'Installer'-folder.
The scripts are based on Inno Setup 5.5.9 but will probably work with any recent version.
To build the installer:
- Make sure the project is compiled and there is a working executable named 'NetPing.exe' in the 'NetPing\bin\Release'-folder
- Open 'Installer\setup.iss' in the Inno Setup Compiler
- Hit Build -> Compile (Ctrl+F9)
- Done, the installer should be in the 'Installer\bin'-folder