DotPlant2 - open-source E-Commerce CMS based on Yii Framework 2(yii2).
- join chat and get free support(:ru: & :uk:)
Documentation is in development - some docs are only available in one language for now(ru or en).
Sites made with DotPlant2 - send us your site to be added.
Configurable routes and URLs system allows search engines to build correct site structure in their index.
Every page, product or category has it's own fields for SEO - URL slug, TITLE tag, H1, META description, breadcrumbs label and name that is used as anchor.
- Use content blocks(like chunks in MODx) for repeated content parts.
- Create and integrate feedback forms with automatic validation, spam-checking and management from backend.
- Graph order workflow - you can configure the whole process and options as your business needs.
- Multi-currency support with pluggable automatic currency rate updating.
- Discounts for all! Users, products, orders, delivery, etc.
- Pluggable Payment types - 12 build-in payment handlers and it's easy to integrate any other.
- Filtration of products can be configured for every category.
- Support of configurable advanced fields for user, customer or company.
- Integration with 1C through CommerceML alpha stage
And more to come...
- PHP 5.5 or higher
- *nix-based server
- MySQL 5.5+
- Memcached server or APC for caching purposes is highly recommended
Needed PHP modules:
- gd
- json
- pdo, pdo-mysql
- memcached(for memcache cache only)
- curl
- intl(optional but recommended)
Perfectly runs on $10 VPS from DigitalOcean
First install composer dependencies:
$ cd application
$ php ../composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.0"
$ php ../composer.phar install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
Your virtual server DocumentRoot directory should point to application/web
Then run php installer
in application folder.
Backend is located at http://YOUR_HOSTNAME/backend/
WARNING This installation brings you an empty store without any products or categories.
WARNING Demo data is in Russian for now :(
WARNING-2 Demo migration also downloads big(~90Mb) archive with sample images.
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/dotplant2/application/
./yii cache/flush cache --interactive=0
Go to http://YOUR_HOSTNAME/catalog
This box currently uses master branch of dotplant2.
How to use:
git clone /~ && cd dotplant2-vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Go to:
Admin user is admin
with password password
Vagrant box doesn't installs demo data. You can do it manually(see above).
DotPlant 2 is in beta stage. You can use it on production, but be ready for minor changes like variable names changes, view-markup changes and new theme parts&widgets.
See migration tips and feel free to ask for help in gitter chat.