No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen /~
This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./swagger"
All URIs are relative to /
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CustomPropertiesApi | CustomPropertiesControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/customProperties | Create Custom Property |
CustomPropertiesApi | CustomPropertiesControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/customProperties | List Custom Properties |
EnvironmentsApi | EnvironmentsControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/environments | Create Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | EnvironmentsControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/environments | List Environments |
EnvironmentsApi | EnvironmentsControllerFindOne | Get /v1/projects/{project}/environments/{key} | Get an Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | EnvironmentsControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{project}/environments/{key} | Delete an Environment |
EnvironmentsApi | EnvironmentsControllerUpdate | Patch /v1/projects/{project}/environments/{key} | Update an Environment |
FeaturesApi | FeatureConfigsControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{feature}/configurations | List Feature configurations |
FeaturesApi | FeatureConfigsControllerUpdate | Patch /v1/projects/{project}/features/{feature}/configurations | Update a Feature configuration |
FeaturesApi | FeaturesControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/features | Create Feature |
FeaturesApi | FeaturesControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features | List Features |
FeaturesApi | FeaturesControllerFindOne | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key} | Get a Feature |
FeaturesApi | FeaturesControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key} | Delete a Feature |
FeaturesApi | FeaturesControllerUpdate | Patch /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key} | Update a Feature |
FeaturesApi | JiraFeaturesControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues | Link feature to Jira issue |
FeaturesApi | JiraFeaturesControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues | List linked Jira Issues |
FeaturesApi | JiraFeaturesControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues/{issue_id} | Unlink feature from Jira issue |
JiraIntegrationApi | JiraFeaturesControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues | Link feature to Jira issue |
JiraIntegrationApi | JiraFeaturesControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues | List linked Jira Issues |
JiraIntegrationApi | JiraFeaturesControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{project}/features/{key}/integrations/jira/issues/{issue_id} | Unlink feature from Jira issue |
ProjectsApi | ProjectsControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects | Create Project |
ProjectsApi | ProjectsControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects | List Projects |
ProjectsApi | ProjectsControllerFindOne | Get /v1/projects/{key} | Get a Project |
ProjectsApi | ProjectsControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{key} | Delete a Project |
ProjectsApi | ProjectsControllerUpdate | Patch /v1/projects/{key} | Update a Project |
ResultsApi | ResultsControllerGetEvaluationsPerHourByFeature | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{feature}/results/evaluations | |
ResultsApi | ResultsControllerGetEvaluationsPerHourByProject | Get /v1/projects/{project}/results/evaluations | |
ResultsApi | ResultsControllerGetResultsSummary | Get /v1/projects/{project}/features/{feature}/results/summary | |
VariablesApi | VariablesControllerCreate | Post /v1/projects/{project}/variables | Create a Variable |
VariablesApi | VariablesControllerFindAll | Get /v1/projects/{project}/variables | List Variables |
VariablesApi | VariablesControllerFindOne | Get /v1/projects/{project}/variables/{key} | Get a Variable |
VariablesApi | VariablesControllerRemove | Delete /v1/projects/{project}/variables/{key} | Delete a Variable |
VariablesApi | VariablesControllerUpdate | Patch /v1/projects/{project}/variables/{key} | Update a Variable |
- AllFilter
- AllOfCreateEnvironmentDtoSettings
- AllOfEnvironmentSdkKeys
- AllOfEnvironmentSettings
- AllOfTargetAudience
- AllOfTargetAudienceFilters
- AllOfTargetRollout
- AllOfUpdateEnvironmentDtoSettings
- AllOfUpdateTargetDtoAudience
- AllOfUpdateTargetDtoRollout
- AnyOfAudienceOperatorFiltersItems
- ApiKey
- AudienceOperator
- BadRequestErrorResponse
- CannotDeleteLastItemErrorResponse
- ConflictErrorResponse
- CreateCustomPropertyDto
- CreateEnvironmentDto
- CreateFeatureDto
- CreateProjectDto
- CreateVariableDto
- CustomProperty
- Environment
- EnvironmentSettings
- Feature
- FeatureConfig
- FeatureDataPoint
- FeatureVariationDto
- JiraIssueLink
- LinkJiraIssueDto
- NotFoundErrorResponse
- PreconditionFailedErrorResponse
- Project
- ProjectDataPoint
- ResultEvaluationsByHourDto
- ResultEvaluationsByHourDtoResult
- ResultProjectEvaluationsByHourDto
- ResultProjectEvaluationsByHourDtoResult
- ResultSummaryDto
- ResultSummaryDtoResult
- ResultSummaryDtoResultCounts
- Rollout
- RolloutStage
- SdkKeys
- Target
- TargetAudience
- TargetDistribution
- UpdateEnvironmentDto
- UpdateFeatureConfigDto
- UpdateFeatureDto
- UpdateProjectDto
- UpdateTargetDto
- UpdateVariableDto
- UserCountryFilter
- UserCustomFilter
- UserFilter
- Variable
- Variation
Endpoints do not require authorization.