Geometry and joints torques of a 3-links system in a gravity field in 2D
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The graphical representation below shows a 3-links kinematic chain.
With more details, we decide that :
- Links are rigid bodies fully defined by :
- Link orientation are defined by :
- θi : relative to the previous link
NOTE : this is the convention for a kinematic chain, where angles (θi) are counter clockwise from previous segment. - αi : relative to the gravity field
NOTE : αi = θ1 + ... + θi
- θi : relative to the previous link
We pedagogically describe the logic for a kinematic chain with 1 to N links.
To compute the torque for a single link, we define :
- Wi : gravitation force (newton)
- Wi = g mi
- Di : lever arm of Wi (meter)
- Di = (Li ci) cos(αi)
- αi : angle relative to the gravity field (radian)
- Ti : torque due to gravity (newton meter)
- Ti = Di Wi = g mi ci cos(αi)
To compute the torque for two links, we have to take care that the kinematic chain has two axes of rotation, as illustrated in the figure below.
We define :
- Ji : joint (axis of rotation) of linki.
- In a kinematic chain, the joint Ji articulates linki-1 to linki
- Jointi is located at (xi, yi)
- Joint1 is the root of the kinematic chain
- TJoint,Link : torque due to link L at joint J (newton meter)
For example (see figure below):- T1,2 : torque due to link 2 around the root joint
- T1,12 : torque due to links 1+2 around the root joint
- T2,2 : torque due to link 2 around joint 2
With these notations, we get :
- Torque around axis 1 (root):
- T1,1 = g m1 D1,1
- with D1,1= L1 c1 cos(α1)
- T1,2 = g m2 D1,2,
- with D1,2 = L2 c2 cos(α2) + L1 cos(α1)
- T0,12 = T0,1 + T0,2
- T1,1 = g m1 D1,1
- Torque around axis 2 (partial torque at (x2 y2)):
- T2,2 = g m2 D1,2
- with D2,2 = L2 c2 cos(α2)
- T2,2 = g m2 D1,2
Lever arms DJoint,Link and gravity forces WLink are illustrated below.
Generalisation from the previous simpler cases gives:
Distances (lever arm of the weight):
D1,1 = L1 c1 cos(α1)
D1,2 = L2 c2 cos(α2) + L1 cos(α1)
D1,3 = L3 c3 cos(α3) + L2 cos(α2) + L1 cos(α1) -
Torques :
T1,1 = g m1 D0,1
T1,2 = g m2 D0,2
T1,3 = g m3 D0,3 -
Total torque :
T1,123 = T0,1 + T0,2 + T0,3 -
Partial torques:
The torques of interest are that of the distal part of the kinematic chain, so to get the gravitational torque at each joint.- Last link acting on the last joint:
T3,3 = g m3 D2,3, with D3,3 = L3 c3 cos(α3) - Last two links acting on joint 1 (the root is joint 0):
T2,23 = T2,2 + T2,3
T2,23 = g m2 D2,2 + g m3 D2,3, with- D2,2 = L2 c2 cos(α2)
- D2,3 = L2 cos(α2) + L3 c3 cos(α3)
- Last link acting on the last joint:
The figure below illustrates such a 3 links system, showing the αi and DJoint, Link
To compute the torque for N links, we generalize the previous by exploiting the regularities in the equations.
- Constraints on formulas (i.e., this is a kinematic chain)
- Link must be distal relative to joint (L >= J) in:
- TJoint,Link
- DJoint,Link
- Link must be distal relative to joint (L >= J) in:
- Regularities in lever arm formula:
The lever arm of link L relative to joint J is the sum of lever arms along the corresponding part of the kinematic chain.
DJoint,Link = Σ DJ,i with i varying from J to L- Last link (most distal part of the kinematic chain): DJ,last = Llast clast cos(αlast)
- Other link (not distal part of the kinematic chain): DJ,i = Li cos(αi)
- Regularities in torque formula:
- Invariance overs links and joints.
- TJ,J...L = Σ TJ,i with i varying from J to L
- TJ,i = g mi DJ,i
- Invariance overs links and joints.
Here, we will keep data structure as straightforward as possible, and we will not use object programming.
Each link is totally described once we know : total length (meter), angle from horizontal (degrees, easier for humans eyes), position of the CoM (percent, from link root) and mass (kg). Below are plausible data values for a human body (profile view) :
% trunk arm forearm
L = [ 0.75, 0.35, 0.25 ]; % total length (meter)
a = [ 90, -70, 0 ]; % alpha from horizontal (degrees, easier for humans eyes)
d = [ 0.45, 0.45, 0.55 ]; % position of CoM (percent)
m = [ 20, 1.1, 0.9 ]; % mass (kg)
alpha = a .* pi ./ 180; % alpha in radian (for computations)
This allows for calls such as:
D1_3 = L(3) .* c(3) .* cos( alpha(3) ) + L(1:2) .* alpha(1:2) ;
to implement
D1,3 = L3 c3 cos(α3) +
L2 cos(α2) +
L1 cos(α1)
Angles θ and α have relations that we can exploit. By definition:
- θ is the relative orientation of one segment (relative to the previous)
- α is the absolute orientation of one segment (relative to horizontal)
- θ is the difference in α (change/derivative of α)
- α is the sum of all previous θ (sum/integration of θ)
% Relations between angles:
theta = [alpha(1) diff(alpha)]; % difference in alpha
alpha = cumsum(theta); % sum of previous theta
Once defined the coordinate of the root of the kinematic chain, the distal coordinate of each segment is given by L cos(α).
xEndLink = cumsum(L .* cos(alpha)); % end of all links
yEndLink = cumsum(L .* sin(alpha));
xEndEffector = xEndLink(end); % end effector position
yEndEffector = yEndLink(end);
x = xEndLink(1:end-1); % end of previous link = beg of current link
y = yEndLink(1:end-1);
x = [0, x]; % add first link
y = [0, y];
x = xRoot + x; % shift all by Root coordinate
y = yRoot + y;
The lever arm from joint j to the CoM of link l is given by the sum of :
- the distance from the axis of rotation to the root of the link : Σ L cos(α)
- the distance from the root of the link to the CoM : L c cos(α)
ShiftLnk = L .* cos(alpha);
ShiftCoM = L .* c .* cos(alpha);
LA = sum(ShiftLnk(j:l-1)) + ShiftCoM(l);
The torque due to gravity at joint is the sum of the torques due to the distal links.
for j = 1:NbLinks % for each joint...
T(j) = 0; % init torque at this joint
for l = j:NbLinks % for the distal links...
LA = sum(ShiftLnk(j:l-1)) + ShiftCoM(l); % lever arm (of each link)
Tl = LA .* g .* m(l); % torque (of each link)
T(j) = T(j) + Tl; % sum torques (of each link)
To ease the manipulation of the previous calculations, we organize things a bit. We define a structure that stores all data needed to describe the "posture" of the system. As we do not use object programming, we create functions to manipulate this data
Posture related functions:
To create the posture (from the minimal information):
P = Posture_set(L, a, c, m, xRoot, yRoot)
To conpute the gravity torques (knowing the configuration of the links):
P = Posture_setGravityTorques(P)
To move the posture to a novel configuration (with a novel theta1):
P = Posture_moveTheta1(P, theta1)
To display the posture
To compute the torques
P = Posture_setGravityTorques(P)
Definition of the kinematic chain
We manually specify the minimal information necessary to display the chain and compute gravitational torques.
% define root position
xRoot = 10; yRoot = 0;
% define links
% first second third
L = [ 0.75, 0.35, 0.35 ]; % length in meter
a = [ 90, -70, 0 ]; % angle from horizontal in degrees
c = [ 0.45, 0.45, 0.55 ]; % position of COM in percent
m = [ 20, 1.1, 0.9 ]; % mass in kg
- Initialisation of the posture struct
From the minimal definition, we compute the coordinates of the links and the torques, and we store that into a "posture" struct.
P = Posture_set(L, a, c, m, xRoot, yRoot)
% L : length of links (meter)
% a : angle of links (degree)
% m : mass of links (kilogram)
% c : distance of center of mass (percentage)
% xRoot, yRoot : coordinates of the root of the chain
P =
Length: [0.7500 0.3500 0.4500]
CoM: [0.4500 0.4500 0.5500]
Mass: [20 1.1000 0.9000]
x: [10 10 10.1197 10.5697]
y: [0 0.7500 0.4211 0.4211]
theta: [1.5708 -2.7925 1.2217]
nLinks: 3
Torque: [3.8234 3.8234 2.1852]
- Modification of the first link orientation
Without changing the end effector position, we can change the orientation of the first link .
P = Posture_moveTheta1(P, theta1)
% P : a posture struct (as provided by Posture_set)
% theta1 : angle of the first link (degree)
- Display of a posture struct
Accurate plot of a posture is necessary for visualisation
% P : a posture struct (as provided by Posture_set)
This might be done by adding a 4th link, following the very same logic.
This link 4 would have non-zero mass, but zero for other dimensions:
L4 = 0, α4 = 0, c4 = 0 but m4 is non-zero.
End-effector (endpoint) position is fixed at the target position, but the user can interactively modify the angle of the first link.
- A clic (or a slider) can change α1
- the geometric constraints are pictured
- α1 should stay in a range allowing the reach