An API to OpenCV used to detect faces in images, more generally a bridge to OpenCV objdetect.
* This is the entire API at present, more will be exposed as it becomes necessary
namespace DatingVIP\Facial {
class Image {
public function __construct(string file);
public function getWidth();
public function getHeight();
class Cascade {
public function __construct(string file);
class Detector {
public function __construct(Cascade cascade [, array min = [0, 0]]);
public function detect(Image image [, array max]);
namespace {
use DatingVIP\Facial\Image;
use DatingVIP\Facial\Cascade;
use DatingVIP\Facial\Detector;
$cascade = new Cascade("cascades/default.xml");
$detector = new Detector($cascade);
$image = new Image("test.jpg");