Where Pigs Keep Your Secrets Safe
Built on Django, this password manager provides users with a seamless platform to securely store passwords, notes, and credit card information, while also facilitating the generation of robust passwords. Additionally, it incorporates advanced features such as two-factor authentication and password reset functionalities to bolster the security of user data. All essential data undergoes encryption via the cryptography module.
Dark Piglock may not offer the same level of security as other password managers. Please use with caution. It is also a static website and may not adjust to different screen sizes. Please be aware of this limitation when accessing the site.
Dark Piglock is currently hosted using Pythonanywhere, with MySQL serving as the database. You can access the link here: http://darkshadogt.pythonanywhere.com/
To set up this project, you'll need Python and virtual environment installed.
pip install virtualenv
Create a clone of this project and execute the following command in the project's root directory.
git clone /~https://github.com/Darkshadogt/Dark-Piglock.git
virtualenv env
Active the virtual environment using the following:
source venv/bin/activate
After activation, proceed to install the project dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you can run the project using the following command:
python manage.py runserver
Please note that you'll need to create a .env file and insert a new secret key and an encryption key. You can generate a secret key and an encryption key using the following command:
from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key from cryptography.fernet import Fernet secret_key = get_random_secret_key() print(secret_key) encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key() print(encryption_key)
- Storing Passwords
- Storing Notes
- Storing Cards
- Two Factor Authentication
- Password Reset
- Credit Card Background Image by Arrandera on Freepik
- Sign Up Page, Log In Page, Verification Page, Forgot Password Page Background Image by Freepik
- Credit Card Chip Icon by Freepik on Flaticon
- Password Page Icon by Freepik
- Favicon by Vitaly Gorbachev on Icons8
- Note Page Icon by Flowicon on Freepik
- Home Page Background Image by Freepik
- Home Page Illustration Image by Storyset
- History Page Icon by Freepik
- Every Other Icons by Boxicons
Attributions can also be found within the credits section of the dropdown menu upon logging in.