npm install ts-proto
protoc --plugin=./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts_proto --ts_proto_out=. ./simple.proto
If you want to package the ts-proto
output into npm package to distribute to clients, run tsc
to generate the .d.ts
files (i.e. unlike pbjs/pbts, ts-proto
creates *.ts
files which can then directly be used/compiled by tsc
- Idiomatic TypeScript/ES6 types
is a clean break from either the built-in Google/Java-esque JS ofprotoc
- (Techically the
package is used for actually reading/writing bytes.)
- TypeScript-first output
- Interfaces over classes
- As much as possible, types are just interfaces (sometimes with prototype-driven defaults) so you can work with messages just like regular hashes/data structures.
- Only supports codegen
workflow, currently no runtime reflection/loading of dynamic.proto
files - Currently ambivalent about browser support, current focus is on Node/server-side use cases
The generated types are "just data", i.e.:
export interface Simple {
name: string;
age: number;
createdAt: Date | undefined;
child: Child | undefined;
state: StateEnum;
grandChildren: Child[];
coins: number[];
Along with encode
factory methods:
export const Simple = {
encode(message: Simple, writer: Writer = Writer.create()): Writer {
decode(reader: Reader, length?: number): Simple {
fromJSON(object: any): Simple {
fromPartial(object: DeepPartial<Simple>): Simple {
toJSON(message: Simple): unknown {
This allows idiomatic TS/JS usage like:
const bytes = Simple.encode({ name: ..., age: ..., ... }).finish();
const simple = Simple.decode(Reader.create(bytes));
const { name, age } = simple;
Which can dramatically ease integration when converting to/from other layers without creating a class and calling the right getters/setters.
A poor man's attempt at "please give us back optional types"
Wrapper types, i.e.
, are mapped as optional values, i.e.string | undefined
, which means for primitives we can kind of pretend that the protobuf type system has optional types. -
Timestamp is mapped as
support the canonical Protobuf JS format (i.e. timestamps are ISO strings)
is a protoc
plugin, so you run it by (either directly in your project, or more likely in your mono-repo schema pipeline, i.e. this or this):
- Add
to yourpackage.json
- Run
npm install
to download it - Invoke
with aplugin
parameter like:
protoc --plugin=node_modules/ts-proto/protoc-gen-ts_proto ./batching.proto -I.
Supported options:
- Right now,
always generates Twirp service implementations for any RPC services, simply because that is what we use. Adding an option to disable Twirp and support GRPC is on the todo list. - If you pass
, the Twirp services will have a Go-stylectx
parameter, which is useful for tracing/logging/etc. if you're not using node'sasync_hooks
api due to performance reasons.
does not use pbjs
at runtime, but we do use it as the ts-proto
build process (to bootstrap the types used to parse the incoming protobuf metadata types, as well as for the test suite to ensure the ts-proto
implementations match the ts-proto
After running yarn install
(which will fail in yarn test
on the first time), run ./
to create the bootstrap types and the integration test types.
After making changes to ts-proto
, you can run yarn codegen
to re-generate the test case files that are in build/integration
The test suite also uses several test proto files (simple.proto
, batching.proto
, etc.); serialized copies of these are currently checked into git as simple.bin
, batching.bin
, etc., so that the test suite can run without having to invoke the protoc
build chain. If you change the simple.proto
/etc. files, run ./
. This does require having the protoc
executable available.
- TS/ES6 module name is the proto package
- Better Long support; currently any values greater than
blow up at runtime - Model OneOfs as an ADT
- Support the string-based encoding of duration in
- Support bytes as base64 encoded strings in
- Support the
- Missing fields on read
- When decoding from binary, we setup a prototype for our returned object, which has default values.
- This assumes missing keys trigger the default value, e.g. storing
would subvert the approach
- This assumes missing keys trigger the default value, e.g. storing
- When decoding from JSON, we may have missing keys.
- We could convert them to our prototype.
- When using an instantiated object, our types enforce all keys to be set.
- When decoding from binary, we setup a prototype for our returned object, which has default values.
Currently fields that are modeled with oneof either_field { string field_a; string field_b }
are generated as field_a: string | undefined; field_b: string | undefined
This means you'll have to check if object.field_a
and if object.field_b
, and if you set one, you'll have to remember to unset the other.
It would be nice/preferable to model this as an ADT, so it would be:
object.either_field = { kind: 'field_a', value: 'name' };
However this differs sufficiently from the wire-level format that there might be wrinkles.
An original design notion of ts-proto
was that ideally we could get JSON off the wire and immediately cast it to the generated ts-proto
types, but features like oneof ADTs require walking the JSON looking for things to massage.
Similarily, writing a ts-proto
object as protobuf-compliant JSON would not be a straight JSON.stringify(tsProtoObject)
(Idea: maybe either_field
exists in the prototype, and wraps/manages the underlying primitive values.)
Protobuf has the somewhat annoying behavior that primitives types cannot differentiate between set-to-defalut-value and unset.
I.e. if you have a string name = 1
, and set = ''
, Protobuf will skip sending the tagged name
field over the wire, because its understood that readers on the other end will, when they see name
is not included in the payload, return empty string.
models this behavior, of "unset" values being the primitive's default. (Technically by setting up an object prototype that knows the default values of the message's primitive fields.)
If you want fields where you can model set/unset, see Wrapper Types.
In core Protobuf, while unset primitives are read as default values, unset messages are returned as null
This allows a cute hack where you can model a logical string | null
by creating a field that is a message (can be null) and the message has a single string value (for when the value is not null).
Protobuf has several built-in types for this pattern, i.e. google.protobuf.StringValue
understands these wrapper types and will generate google.protobuf.StringValue name = 1
as a name: string | undefined
This hides some of the StringValue
mess and gives a more idiomatic way of using them.
Granted, it's unfortunate this is not as simple as marking the string
as optional
- Required primitives: use as-is, i.e.
string name = 1
. - Optional primitives: use wrapper types, i.e.
StringValue name = 1
. - Required messages: not available
- Optional primitives: use as-is, i.e.
SubMessage message = 1