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OAI-PMH Repository (plugin for Omeka)

OAI-PMH Repository is a plugin for Omeka that implements an Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) repository for Omeka, allowing Omeka items, collections, and files to be harvested by OAI-PMH harvesters. The plugin implements version 2.0 of the protocol.

This readme is available in French.


Uncompress the zip inside the folder plugin and rename it OaiPmhRepository.

See general end user documentation for Installing a plugin.



Repository base url

The end point of the service.

Default: oai-pmh-repository/request

Repository name

Name for this OAI-PMH repository. This value is sent as part of the response to an Identify request, and it is how the repository will be identified by well-behaved harvesters.

Default: The name of the Omeka installation.

Namespace identifier

The oai-identifier specification requires repositories to specify a namespace identifier. This will be used to form globally unique IDs for the exposed metadata items. This value is required to be a domain name you have registered. Using other values will generate invalid identifiers.

Default: If it can, the plugin will try to automatically detect the domain of the server hosting the site, and use that as the default namespace identifier. If a name can’t be detected (for example, if the site is accessed through the localhost domain), the default will be default.must.change (as you might think, this value is intended to be changed, not used as-is). The plugin will function with this, or any other string, as the namespace identifier, but this breaks the assumption that each identifier is globally unique. Best practice is to set this value to the domain name the Omeka server is published at, possibly with a prefix like "oai."


Expose sets

Sets allow to gather items together to simplify partial harvesting. Three types of sets can be use: collection, item type and Dublin Core : Type.

Default: Collections

Expose files

Whether the repository should expose direct URLs to all the files associated with an item as part of its returned metadata. This gives harvesters the ability to directly access the media described by the metadata.

Default: true

Hide empty collections

Whether the plugin should expose empty collections. If enabled, only collections that actually contain at least one public item will be included in the ListSets output. If disabled, all public oai sets are included in ListSets output.

Default: true

Expose item type

Whether the plugin should expose the item type as Dublin Core Type.

Default: false

Expose thumbnail

The thumbnail may be exposed as Dublin Core : Relation.

Default: false

Set identifiers

The oai sets are identified with a unique identifier, that must be different between different types of sets. So, check if they are no duplicate between names. Furthermore, only some characters are allowed. Forbidden names will be skipped. Diacritics are removed in the names, but they can be used if they are managed automatically by the database and php.

Format of the set identifiers

When the format is hierarchic, all oai set identifiers are prefixed with the type (item set, item type or dctype). When the format is flat, all oai set identifiers are simply listed and mixed.

Default: hierarchic

Format of the oai set identifier for collections

The format can be itemset_id, or the first Dublic Core identifier or title. In all cases, they are normalized (no spaces, etc.).

Format of the oai set identifier for item types

The format can be type_id, or the item type name.


Output custom metadata for oai_dc

Apply the custom oai_dc output. By default, it follows the recommandations of the Europeana digital library and the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

The files data/oaidc_custom_record.php and data/oaidc_custom_set.php may be adapted to complete data, for example to add a new type of document. An additional guide is available in the header of these files.

Note: Dublin Core types are not available for releases before Omeka 2.5: the search is not possible in derived sets. To use it, you need to hack the file application/models/Table/Item.php: replace the method Table_Item::_advancedSearch() by the one of Omeka 2.5 or later.

Default language for custom metadata

This three letters language (ISO 639-2b) allows to define the default language of metadata in order to translate them. This option is used only to normalize the custom metadata.


Human interface

The OAI-PMH pages can be displayed and browsed with a themable responsive human interface based on Bootstrap. To theme it, create a directory oai-pmh-repository/xsl in your theme and copy the file oai-pmh-repository.xsl inside it, then edit it. The css file can be copied and updated as well.

Advanced Configuration

The plugin also allows you to configure some more options about how the repository responds to harvesters. Since the default values are recommended for most users, these values must be edited by hand, in the config.ini file in the plugin's root directory.

List response limit

Number of individual items that can be returned in a response at once. Larger values will increase memory usage but reduce the number of database queries and HTTP requests. Smaller values will reduce memory usage but increase the number of DB queries and requests.

Default: 50

List expiration time

Amount of time in minutes a resumptionToken is valid for. The specification suggests a number in the tens of minutes. This boils down to the length of time a harvester has to request the next part of an incomplete list request.

Default: 10 (minutes)

Metadata formats

The plugin ships with several default formats. Other plugins can alter these or add their own.

Dublin Core (prefix oai_dc)

The Dublin Core is required by the OAI-PMH specification for all repositories. Omeka metadata fields are mapped one-to-one with fields for this output format.

Qualified Dublin Core (oai_qdc)

The Qualified Dublin Core format supports the additional elements added by Dublin Core Extended. For installations that don't use "extended" elements, the metadata output will be the same as for oai_dc.

Added in version 2.2 (official)

CDWA Lite (prefix cdwalite)

The mapping between Omeka’s metadata and CDWA Lite metadata is more complicated, and certain fields may not be populated correctly. The chief advantage of using CDWA Lite output is that file URLs can be output in a controlled format, unlike Dublin Core. Harvesters may therefore be able to harvest or link to files in addition to metadata.

MODS (prefix mods)

This output crosswalks the Dublin Core metadata to MODS using the mapping recommended by the Library of Congress.

METS (prefix mets)

The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard format exposes files to harvesters alongside Dublin Core metadata.

RDF (prefix rdf)

This format exposes metadata as RDF/XML. Unlike many of the other formats, RDF allows the repository to expose metadata from different standards all in the same output. The main practical distinction from other formats currently is that the RDF output will automatically include "qualified" data from the Dublin Core Extended plugin, if it's present.

Omeka XML (prefix omeka-xml)

This output format uses an Omeka-specific XML output that includes all metadata elements without requiring crosswalking or subsetting, but is not well-supported by harvesters or other tools and because the RRCHNM itself removed the schema from the last site.


The plugin provides a filter that other plugins can use to add new metadata formats or replace the existing ones with new implementations. As of version 2.1, it's no longer necessary to add or change files within the plugin itself to change the available formats.

Filter oai_pmh_repository_metadata_formats

The filter passes no extra parameters. The value being filtered is an array of arrays, where each inner array describes a single metadata format. The key in the outer array is the metadata prefix for the format (i.e., oai_dc or rdf). Each inner array has three mandatory keys:

  • class is the name of a class implementing OaiPmhRepository_Metadata_FormatInterface. This class holds the actual implementation of the format.
  • namespace is the XML namespace for the format.
  • schema is the location of the XML schema for the format.

Version History


  • Fixed a bug with XML special characters in Collection names
  • New translations: Catalan, Czech, German, Mongolian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Serbian


  • New RDF metadata format
  • New oai_pmh_repository_metadata_formats filter to allow other plugins to add and modify metadata formats
  • Localization support (contributed by jajm)
  • New option to exclude empty collections from ListSets (contributed by Daniel-KM
  • New option to expose item type as Dublin Core Type value (contributed by [Daniel-KM
  • More accurate "earliest datestamp" calculation (contributed by Daniel-KM
  • Fixed "expose files" flag check for METS and omeka-xml outputs (contributed by Daniel-KM
  • Additional miscellaneous cleanup (significant portions contributed by Daniel-KM


  • Initial support for Omeka 2.0 and up
  • File exposure support for METS


Use it at your own risk.

It’s always recommended to backup your files and your databases and to check your archives regularly so you can roll back if needed.


See online issues on the plugin issues page on GitHub.


This plugin is published under GNU/GPL.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Human interface (xslt stylesheet)

The human interface is published under the CeCILL-B BSD-like licence. See its header for other licenses notes.


See commits for full list of contributors.

  • Copyright Yu-Hsun Lin, 2009
  • Copyright John Flatness, 2009-2016
  • Copyright Julian Maurice for BibLibre, 2016-2017
  • Copyright Daniel Berthereau, 2014-2019 (see Daniel-KM)

Improvements of 2019 were built for Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne.


No packages published


  • PHP 68.3%
  • XSLT 30.9%
  • CSS 0.8%