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Many people suffer due to tooth and canal services, and can not afford proper consultation, due to lack of money and financial services, 24x7 support online website and chat assistant solve people problems within no time.
The Dental Services Provider Website "Dentition" provides online services for people across the world, with online appointments, and virtual meetings with Experts and Dentists. The website also provides 24x7 chatbot assistant to solve people queries and connect with doctors across the globe.
The problem is based on "HealthCare" in which people who are not able to afford proper health consultation and medication due to lack of financial security, cannot afford time-to-time services. Hence, This problem needs to be solved, which is ultimately affecting a large population.
The project has been successfully deployed on Microsoft Azure Portal, using "Azure Static Web Apps", "Azure Resource Manager"and "Azure Web Apps", after which the project url was generated, for creation and deployment of the website.