This repository includes the implementation of 'ViBE: a hierarchical BERT model to identify viruses using metagenome sequencing data'. Please cite our paper if you use our models. Fill free to report any issue for maintenance of our model.
If you have used ViBE in your research, please cite the following publication:
Ho-Jin Gwak, Mina Rho, ViBE: a hierarchical BERT model to identify eukaryotic viruses using metagenome sequencing data, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 23, Issue 4, July 2022, bbac204 doi:
Here is a brief overview of ViBE's classification workflow.
- Input sequenced reads are going to convert tabular format input
(see 3. Data processing section for details) - Domain-level classification will be performed.
Each query will be classified as Bacteria, Phage, DNA viruses, RNA viruses.
You can consider queries with a low score as unclassified
(NOTE we suggest a score cutoff as 0.9) - Order-level classification will be performed for queries classified as viruses.
- [Optional] Family-, Genus-, Species-level classification could be performed if you fine-tune the pre-trained model for your specific task.
We strongly recommend you to use python virtual environment with Anaconda/Miniconda. Moreover, this model works in practical time on GPU/TPU machine. PLEASE use one or more NVIDIA GPUs (It works without errors using just the CPU, but it will take an astronomical amount of time). The details of the machine/environment we used are as follows:
- NVIDIA A100 with 40GB graphic memory
- CUDA 11.0
- python 3.6.13
- pytorch 1.10.0
- transformers 4.11.3 - huggingface
- datasets 1.15.1 - huggingface
Please adjust per_device_batch_size and gradient_accumulation_steps according to the specifications of the machine you are using.
Target batch size = (No. of devices) * (per_device_batch_size) * (gradient_accumulation_steps)
e.g. batch size 2,560 = 2 devices * 32 samples/device * 40 steps
conda update conda (optional)
conda create -n vibe python=3.6
conda activate vibe
conda install -c huggingface transformers datasets
conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit
conda install scikit-learn
Please ensure to install cudatoolkit compatible with you CUDA version.
Make sure that the following two import statements work properly
from transformers.activations import ACT2FN
from transformers.models.bert.tokenization_bert import BertTokenizer
If you get an error in the first statement, check the transformers version.
If you get an error in the second statement,
ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found
reinstall tokenizers like this:
conda install -c huggingface tokenizers=0.10.1
The source files and useful scripts are in this repository. The pre-trained and fine-tuned models have been uploaded on Google Drive since the size of each model is larger than 100MB. PLEASE make sure to download models after cloning this repository.
git clone /~
cd ViBE
chmod +x src/vibe
The vibe
script in the src
directory is an executable python script. No additional installation is required.
Download Models
Please download the model you need through the link below and save them in the models
directory. You can also download models using the
script in the scripts
chmod u+x scripts/
python scripts/ -d all -o ./models
Pre-trained model
Domain-level classifier
Order-level classifiers
Vibe consists of THREE main functions: pre-train, fine-tune, predict
There is a main wrapper script vibe
in the src
vibe {pre-train, fine-tune, predict} [options]
you can find details of required/optional parameters for each function with -h option.
vibe {pre-train, fine-tune, predict} -h
* NOTE. ViBE does NOT require that data be placed in the directory where ViBE is installed. Just pass the location of your data as a proper parameter.
Although a pre-trained model is given in the models/pre-trained
directory by default, you can re-train using your data.
export WORK_DIR={your working directory}
export DATA_DIR=$WORK_DIR/examples/pre-train
export CACHE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/cached
export TRAIN_FILE=$DATA_DIR/train.csv
export DEV_FILE=$DATA_DIR/dev.csv
export OUTPUT_DIR=$WORK_DIR/models/my_pre-trained
export CONFIG_FILE=$WORK_DIR/src/configs/ViBE-config-4
src/vibe pre-train \
--gpus 0,1 \
--train_file $TRAIN_FILE \
--validation_file $DEV_FILE \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--config $CONFIG_FILE \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--cache_dir $CACHE_DIR \
--max_seq_length 512 \
--num_workers 20 \
--mlm_probability 0.15 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 40 \
--per_device_batch_size 32 \
--max_steps 100000 \
--eval_steps 500 \
--warmup_ratio 0.2 \
--learning_rate 4e-4 \
--weight_decay 0.01 \
--adam_beta1 0.9 \
--adam_beta2 0.98 \
--adam_epsilon 1e-6
Fine-tuned models used in our publication are given in the models/fine-tuned
directory by default.
You can fine-tune the pre-trained model using your data for any specific task.
export WORK_DIR={your working directory}
export PRETRAINED_MODEL=$WORK_DIR/models/pre-trained
export DATA_DIR=$WORK_DIR/examples/fine-tune
export CACHE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/cached
export TRAIN_FILE=$DATA_DIR/BPDR.250bp.train.paired.csv
export OUTPUT_DIR=$WORK_DIR/models/my_BPDR.250bp
src/vibe fine-tune \
--gpus 0,1 \
--pre-trained_model $PRETRAINED_MODEL \
--train_file $TRAIN_FILE \
--validation_file $DEV_FILE \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--cache_dir $CACHE_DIR \
--max_seq_length 504 \
--num_workers 20 \
--num_train_epochs 4 \
--eval_steps 80 \
--per_device_batch_size 32 \
--warmup_ratio 0.25 \
--learning_rate 3e-5
You can simply make classification using the fine-tuned model. ViBE makes two output files for each prediction task: .txt
and .npy
files. The .txt
file includes classification results for each query. It has three columns: query id, label, score. The .npy
file includes the output vector of the classification layer for each query.
export WORK_DIR={your working directory}
export FINETUNED_MODEL=$WORK_DIR/models/BPDR.250bp
export DATA_DIR=$WORK_DIR/examples/sample
export CACHE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/cached
export SAMPLE_FILE=$DATA_DIR/SRR14403295.paired.csv
export OUTPUT_DIR=$WORK_DIR/preds
export OUTPUT_PREFIX=SRR14403295
src/vibe predict \
--gpus 0 \
--sample_file $SAMPLE_FILE \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--output_prefix $OUTPUT_PREFIX \
--cache_dir $CACHE_DIR \
--per_device_batch_size 500 \
--max_seq_length 504 \
--num_workers 20 \
--remove_label // when you have 'label' column in your data
Example of .txt
seqid | prediction | score |
query0 | Bacteria | 0.99 |
query1 | RNA_viruses | 0.72 |
query2 | Phage | 0.92 |
query3 | DNA_viruses | 0.88 |
We provide a number of scripts for data processing. The scripts are placed in the scritps
This script converts input sequences into a .csv
file that is an input format of ViBE. The required columns are as follow:
Paired-ends reads:
forward | backward | seqid |
Single-end reads:
sequence | seqid |
TCCA CCAC CACG ACGA ... | query0 |
NOTE1. Any additional column does not affect performance of ViBE.
NOTE2. seqid
column is not required for pre-training.
NOTE3. label
column is additionally required for fine-tuning. You have to add label
column based on your knowledge for generating fine-tuning dataset.
-i sample_1.fasta \
-p sample_2.fasta \
-f fasta \
-k 4 \
--min-length 150 \
--max-length 251 \
-o sample.paired.csv
To perform hierarchical classification, input queries have to be split into separated files based on their classification results. You can simply split queries into multiple files using the provided script.
-i sample.paired.csv \
-p sample.txt \
-o ./order-level \
-c 0.9
By default, this script generates output files for all labels. You can generate output files for labels of interest. \
-i sample.paired.csv \
-p sample.txt \
-o ./order-level \
-c 0.9 \
-t Herpesvirales Zurhausenvirales
Pre-trained models were uploaded on Google Drive. You can download those models through not only the above links but given python script.
-d all \
-o models
Using the above command, all pre-trained models will be downloaded in the models
directory. You can give relative path of the target directory through -o
option. Moreover, You can download specific model(s) instead of downloading all models. \
-d BPDR250 DNA250 RNA250 \
-o models
This is an example of ViBE workflow to classify the SARS-CoV-2 dataset. Example sequenced reads are given in the examples/SARS-CoV-2
directory. 10 000 reads were sub-sampled from the SARS-CoV-2 sample that is reported on the SRA database with accession number SRR14403295.
Convert sequenced reads into k-mer documents.
python scripts/ \
-i examples/SARS-CoV-2/SRR14403295_1.10K.fastq \
-p examples/SARS-CoV-2/SRR14403295_2.10K.fastq \
-o examples/SARS-CoV-2/SRR14403295.10K.paired.csv \
-k 4 \
-f fastq \
--min-length 150 \
--max-length 251
Among 10 000 reads, 9 968 reads are converted into k-mer documents. The rest 32 reads are ignored since their length is shorter than 150bp.
Before run ViBE, make preds
directory for saving prediction outputs.
mkdir examples/SARS-CoV-2/preds
export FINETUNED_MODEL=models/BPDR.250bp
export DATA_DIR=examples/SARS-CoV-2
export CACHE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/cached
export SAMPLE_FILE=$DATA_DIR/SRR14403295.10K.paired.csv
export OUTPUT_DIR=$DATA_DIR/preds
export OUTPUT_PREFIX=SRR14403295.domain
src/vibe predict \
--gpus 0 \
--sample_file $SAMPLE_FILE \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--output_prefix $OUTPUT_PREFIX \
--cache_dir $CACHE_DIR \
--per_device_batch_size 500 \
--max_seq_length 504 \
--num_workers 20
The result files SRR14403295.domain.txt
and SRR14403295.domain.npy
will be generated in the preds
directory. Among 9 968 samples, 9 153 samples are classified as RNA_viruses
and 8 257 samples exceed confidence score cutoff 0.9.
Get records classified as RNA_viruses
with high confidence score over 0.9.
python scripts/ \
-i examples/SARS-CoV-2/SRR14403295.10K.paired.csv \
-p examples/SARS-CoV-2/preds/SRR14403295.domain.txt \
-o examples/SARS-CoV-2/ \
-c 0.9 \
-t RNA_viruses
The above command generates RNA_viruses.csv
file in the examples/SARS-CoV-2
export FINETUNED_MODEL=models/RNA.250bp
export DATA_DIR=examples/SARS-CoV-2
export CACHE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/cached
export SAMPLE_FILE=$DATA_DIR/RNA_viruses.csv
export OUTPUT_DIR=$DATA_DIR/preds
export OUTPUT_PREFIX=SRR14403295.RNA
src/vibe predict \
--gpus 0 \
--sample_file $SAMPLE_FILE \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--output_prefix $OUTPUT_PREFIX \
--cache_dir $CACHE_DIR \
--per_device_batch_size 500 \
--max_seq_length 504 \
--num_workers 20
The result files SRR14403295.RNA.txt
and SRR14403295.RNA.npy
will be generated in the preds
directory. Among 8 257 samples, 7 873 samples are classified as Nidovirales
and 7 303 samples exceed confidence score cutoff 0.9.