See the Search and Compare repo for details if you have access
You will need to have Version 2.1.5 of the dotnet SDK installed in order to build and run this.
cd src
npm install
Runs from vscode and Visual Studio 2017 with F5.
Runs from command line with cd src && dotnet run
cd src
dotnet run
Defaults to published development API backend to make it easier to get started, override this with an environment variable to work against a local copy of the API or to alter for production environments. E.g.:
cd src
set API_URL=http://localhost:5001 && dotnet run
dotnet user-secrets set google_cloud_platform_key_geocoding [the-key]
dotnet user-secrets set google_cloud_platform_key_maps [the-key]
Logging is configured in appsettings.json
, and values in there can be overridden with environment variables.
dotnet run
Command prompt
set Serilog:MinimumLevel=Debug
dotnet run
For more information see:
- /~
Serilog has been configured to spit logs out to both the console
(for dotnet run
testing & development locally) and Application Insights.
environment variable to tell Serilog the application insights key.
This app sends exceptions and errors into Sentry. To enable the integration, set the SENTRY_DSN environment variable.
To run the JS unit tests (full suite, with coverage output):
cd src
npm install
npm test
To run in watch mode (which also allows you to specify grep patterns to focus only on certain specs/suites, but without coverage output):
npm run test:watch
Rename the file "app_offline.htm.example" in the root folder to "app_offline.htm"
Rename the file "app_offline.rollover.example" in the root folder to "app_offline.htm"