This repository is the dockerized version for httptunnel.
docker pull dcsunset/httptunnel
For server side, run:
docker run -d --name httptunnel httptunnel:latest hts [OPTION]... [HOST:][PORT]
The usage of hts can be seen from the original httptunnel man page or run with option --help
For example,
docker run -d --name httptunnel -p 8888:8888 httptunnel:latest hts -w -F localhost:23 8888
THe above expamle will set up httptunnel server to listen on port 8888 and forward to localhost:23.
Note: The option -w
is necessary or the docker container will exit instead of running in background.
For client side, run:
docker run -d --name httptunnel httptunnel:latest htc [OPTION]... HOST[:PORT]
For example,
docker run -d --name httptunnel -p 2323:2323 httptunnel:latest htc -w -F 2323 REMOTE_IP:8888
The above example will set up httptunnel client to forward localhost:2323 to REMOTE_IP:8888.
Clone this repository and run:
docker build -t httptunnel .
MIT License