URLFormJS creates sticky forms, stateful applications, and shareable link using query parameters and fragment query parameters.
UrlFormJS supports normal URL query parameters for stickiness.
It also supports fragment query parameters. Unlike query parameters, fragments are not sent to the server from the browser, which makes fragments ideal for sensitive information. We recommend applications use fragment query parameters over query parameters when possible.
| |
Sent to the server Kept local
For example, the browser requests only https://example.com
when supplied the
URL https://example.com#test
and does not include #test
in the request.
Example.com is unaware of #test
Fragment query parameters are located after the first #
, then after the next
. It is ended by the end of the URL, by the next ?
, or other fragment
scheme like the delimiter :~:
If query parameter and fragment query parameter are set to the same key name, the fragment query parameter takes precedence.
Parts of the URL:
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \___________/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
Where nose?name=bob
is the fragment, nose
is the fragment anchor,
and ?name=bob
is the fragment query.
For more complete naming of URI's see FileVer (and in the future package "Cyphrme/URIPath").
In this example, since the query parameter and the fragment query parameter have the same key name of "name", the value of "bob" will take precedence over the value "ferret".
See RFC 3986 for query parameters and Wikipedia.
Fragment queries also have the advantage of not having size limits like normal queries, although this is browser dependent.
Fragment query parameters are "non-standard", but we hope it is useful enough to eventually standardize through an RFC or other means.
Form options defines all the configuration settings for URLFormJS. See docs on the Javascript FormParameter and FormOptions. Form options does not need a HTML form.
An application may use a prefix, i.e. "input_", to "namespace" fields.
URLFormJS defines a default id for the share button, share link, and clear button. These defaults may be overwritten by setting the appropriate form option setting.
Boolean parameters are encoded as "flag style" where the value is known by key
presence and the value is not explicitly given. For example, parameter
is encoded in the URL as simply "subscribe". Negative
values subscribe=false
are dropped since the negative value is the implicit
default. As a special case, where a boolean parameter has a default value of
"true", negative flags are used, e.g. -subscribe
to explicitly denote that the
value is false. Using checked
in HTML as a method of setting default values
causes conlflict when using URLFormJS. It is recommended that checked
is not
used for any fields being handled by URLFormJS, and defaultValue
is used instead
in the form parameters.
E.g. replace <input id="unique" type="checkbox" checked>
<input id="unique"type="checkbox">
{ "name": "unique", "type": "bool", "defaultValue": true, }
We found it useful to name a super set of query and fragment, dubbed quag
The quag includes ?
and #
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \___________/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
See notes on FileVer and in the future package "Cyphrme/URIPath".
URLFormJS uses two configuration objects, FormOptions
and FormParameters
which are documented in urlform.js
.. See index.js
for an example of
URLFormJS can be added into a project as a submodule with the following command:
git submodule add git@github.com:Cyphrme/URLFormJS.git urlformjs
git clone git@github.com:Cyphrme/URLFormJS.git urlformjs
cd urlformjs && git clone git@github.com:Cyphrme/BrowserTestJS.git browsertestjs
To update the submodule (or alternatively download just the file urlform.js
git submodule update --remote
If not importing urlform.js
as a module, the file can be loaded in HTML using:
<script defer src="./urlformjs/urlform.js"></script>
is in 'UMD' format and can be
accessed in Javascript with the following:
See example.js
for an example of initializing URLFormJS
for a given form.
Issue submissions and pull requests are welcome. Before submitting pull request, please ensure tests are passing and that the test form behavior is correct.
We have a single page test that's useful. Since it uses js modules it needs an http server. Use server.go for this.
(cd browsertestjs && go run server.go)
Then go to https://localhost:8082/demo_simple.html
See minify.js
and for more /~https://github.com/Cyphrme/UMD_tutorial. In short,
has a bug with UMD so modules exports have to be manually done.
Testing uses BrowserTestJS:
cd browsertestjs
go run server.go
Then go to localhost:8082
for the results.
Tests are also Github hosted.
Only URLFormJS defined parameter values are URI encoded. Keys and existing URI components ("extras") are left untouched.
The test server logs requests and can be used to demonstrated that
fragment is not sent to the server by the browser by visiting
or using curl:
curl -k https://localhost:8082?name=bob#test
Note that ?name=bob
appears in the log but #test
does not.
Chrome and potentially other browsers are removing anything after fragment
directives from the URL when using 'window.location'. This library gracefully
handles this bug except when the protocol is file://
. See notes on
getFragment and stack overflow.
Note that fragment directives, including text fragments, should have the '?' character URL escaped.
Demonstrates of Firefox working and Chrome breaking
- JSON Schema validation.
- Form validation.
- Field requirements/limitations.
"you are free to use your logo for promotional purposes"
URLFormJS is released under The 3-Clause BSD License.
"Cyphr.me" is a trademark of Cypherpunk, LLC. The Cyphr.me logo is all rights reserved Cypherpunk, LLC and may not be used without permission.