This is my first telegram bot written in bash
/weather <City> - Weather in a city for now, today and tommorow
/w <City> - Short form of /w
/info - Information about this bot
/wset <City> - Set default city for /weather
/ibash <Number> - Random quote from
/loglist <Number> - Random quote from
/roll - Rolling a random number from 0 to 99
/google <String> - Send a link to
/md5 <String> - Creating a md5 sum of String
/manage <SQL query> - Manage your database (Only for admins)
git clone /~
cd bashbot
Run first_start
for a database and token file creation
Add your telegram username and tokens into ./tokens
# Tokens should be specified without any quotes
Then just launch the bot
In order to build and create a docker container, docker-compose
must be installed in your system
docker-compose up --build bashbot
Also you can take my container from Dockerhub
docker run -v ./database:/database <BOT_TOKEN> <WEATHER_TOKEN> cuttlerat/bashbot
You can get a weather token here:
Register your bot here:
If you want that your bot triggers on a some type of messages, there some options here.
If you want that your bot triggers on a messages like this
Cuttlerat: What is Jenkins?
You will need to add a note in your database like this:
/manage INSERT INTO google(match) VALUES("what is")
All matches must be in a low case! It's important (I will do something with it later)
If you don't want any word to trigger this function
/manage INSERT INTO google_ignore(ignore) VALUES("Jenkins")
Cuttlerat: What is Jenkins?
*no answer*
If you want a simple trigger on a message responding with your specified string
/manage INSERT INTO answers(match,string) VALUES("hello!", "Hi!")
Cuttlerat: Hello!
Cutltebot: Hi!
If you want to summon someone with just mentioning of his name or nickname
/manage INSERT INTO pingers(username,match) VALUES("Cuttlerat", "rat")
Cuttlerat: rat!
Why? Because we didn't set a ping phrase yet
/manage INSERT INTO ping_phrases(phrase) VALUES("ping")
Cuttlerat: ping rat
Cuttlebot: @Cuttlerat
There is a little trick to summon all persons from the pingers table
/manage INSERT INTO pingers(username,match) VALUES("hotkosc", "kosc")
/manage INSERT INTO pingers(username,match) VALUES("EVERYONE GET IN HERE", "all")
Cuttlerat: ping all
Cuttlebot: @Cuttlerat @hotkosc
But what if you want to call everyone except one guy?
You will need to add a ping exclude phrase
/manage INSERT INTO ping_exclude(match) VALUES("excpet")
Cuttlerat: ping all except kosc
Cuttlebot: @Cuttlerat
And is it! Enjoy your bot!