A C++20 pipewire-api wrapper
rohrkabel is a wrapper around the pipewire-api that embraces RAII and tries to simplify working with pipewire.
As of writing only a portion of the pipewire-api has been wrapped.
In case we're missing something you need feel free to open an issue.
More portions of the api might be covered in the future depending on personal demand as well as demand from Soundux.
Using CPM
CPMFindPackage( NAME rohrkabel VERSION 4.0 GIT_REPOSITORY "/~https://github.com/Curve/rohrkabel" )
Using FetchContent
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(rohrkabel GIT_REPOSITORY "/~https://github.com/Curve/rohrkabel" GIT_TAG v4.0) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(rohrkabel) target_link_libraries(<target> cr::rohrkabel)
The pw_main_loop
is not thread-safe, but supplies a special loop implementation meant for threaded-usage. However said special loop is cumbersome to deal with, especially from a RAII perspective, thus rohrkabel uses a different, channel-based approach inspired by pipewire-rs.
The channel based approach greatly simplifies working with rohrkabel in multi-threaded environments.
For more information check out this example, or feel free to open a discussion.