本仓库的内容为为 北京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术专业 本科二年级“操作系统课程设计”的代码
Codes in this re pository belongs to the project of BUAA 'Operating System' course
This project contains a tiny operating system based on mips32.
The operating system supports virtual page memory managment, process management, system calls,file system and a primitive shell.
The code can be simulated in GXEMUL simulator after being compiled.
These codes can pass all the auto-test in lab1-lab6.
In this course you also need to finish a 'challenge task'.I choosed the 'raspi 3b bare metal os' task.Therefore,the code for challenge
task is not contained in this repository
link 传送门: /~https://github.com/17231181/RaspberryPi_Bare_Metal_Operating_System_BUAA
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