SCAP Security Guide 0.1.31 Release Notes
Highlights (in order the changes have been merged):
- New Wind River Linux profiles
- Various STIG profile enhancements
- Support for Ubuntu Xenial
- Support for Ansible remediations
- Refactored build process, with more shared content
- Cleaner build system for RPM
- Content passing NIST SCAP Content Validation Tool requirements
XCCDF changes / enhancements:
- [Bugfix][Fedora][RHEL/7] Fix grub XCCDF to reference 01_users for password/admin account
- [BugFix][RHEL/6] Fix for issue #1319
- [Enhancement][RHEL/7] Add Supported/Certified Vendor XCCDF
- [Enhancement][RHEL/7] Update check-content-ref to use .bz2 version
- [RHEL/7][Enhancement] Update DISA STIG references for existing content
- [RHEL7] Updating SSG to align with DoD RHEL7 STIG Draft v2, where appropriate
- [Enhancement] Additional STIG updates
- [Enhancement][RHEL/7] Add SELinux Boolean XCCDF
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add XCCDF weblink macro
- [RHEL7] Renamed the docker profile to "docker host"
- [RHEL7] Suggest using SELinux to harden the container host
- [Enhancement] Issue #1346: Add a check for configuration of Docker storage driver
- [Enhancement] JBoss EAP 5 XCCDF and OVAL updates
- [Enhancement] Initial WRLinux support
- [Enhancement] Move Chromium, JRE, and Firefox XCCDF content to sharec/xccdf
- [Enhancement][RHEL/7] Add sshd port check content for firewalld
- [RHEL6][RHEL7][Bugfix] Add content for samba-common package
- [Enhancement] Organize Wind River Linux profiles
- [Enhancement] Migrate more XCCDF to shared content
- [RHEL7] Update RHEL/7 STIG profiles and add some missing CCEs
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure][RHEL/7] Create shared_guide.xslt and move RHEL/7 XCCDF content to shared/xccdf
- [Enhancement][Bugfix][RHEL/7] Various RHEL/7 STIG fixes
- [Bugfix][Enhancement] Break out HBSS Rules and update integrity groups
- [Bugfix][Enhancement][RHEL7] STIG update for RHEL/7 add additional dconf settings
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Don't include @platform in element
- [Bugfix] Add missing element to group
- [RHEL7] DISA usage
- [RHEL6][RHEL7] updating DoD STIG profile language to include DISA FAQ
- [Bugfix] Rename PCI-DSS centric profile ID
- [Enhancement][RHEL7] Converted XML comment DISA STIG note to XHTML
- [Bugfix] Align SSG to DISA RHEL6 V1R13 content
- [RHEL6] RHEL6 CCI updates
- [RHEL7][Bugfix] Fix SSH private key permissions
- [Enhancement] add support for Ubuntu Xenial in SSG. Based on Debian 8
- [Fedora][RHEL7][Bugfix][shared] Fix paths in bootloader password check
- [RHEL7][BugFix] Fix for downstream RH BZ#1344581
- [Enhancement][RHEL7] Fix description and title in sshd_disable_rhosts_rsa
- [Enhancement][RHEL7] Fix regex in sshd_disable_user_known_hosts
- [Bugfix] Fix and Build FISMA RHEL/6 profile
- [Bugfix][RHEL6] Fix FTP server profile ID
OVAL check changes / enhancements:
- [RHEL6][RHEL7][Bugfix] Add installed_OS_is_certified OVAL for RHEL systems
- [Enhancement][shared] Examine limits.d/*.conf for maxlogins
- [BugFix][Debian/8] When extending ANSSI profiles don't inherit the title and description from the parent profile
- [RHEL/6] Replace double space in selected elements with single one
- [BugFix][Infrastructure] Fix for issue #1275 Also fix couple of instances of issue #50
- [Bugfix] - use proper OVAL paths, unused OVALs are no longer an error
- [RHEL6][RHEL7][Bugfix] Check for ssl = required or ssl = yes in dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf
- [Bugfix] Revisit OVAL for "accounts_max_concurrent_login_sessions" ru…
- [Enhancement][Bugfix] Allow multiple maxlogin specifications in /etc/security/limi…
- [Bugfix] Fix build-remediations for oval_5.11
- [Bugfix] Move SSSD OVAL content to oval_5.11
- [Enhancement] add /etc/cron.daily check to aide_periodic_cron_checking
- [Bugfix][RHEL7] Correct default and other values in var_password_pam_difok
- [Bugfix][RHEL7] Add STIG default value to var_accounts_password_minlen_login_defs
- [Enhancement][RHEL7] STIG Update RHEL/7: Add new SSHD and AIDE XCCDF content
- [Enhancement][RHEL7] RHEL/7 STIG update: Add new cron content
- [Enhancement][Bugfix][RHEL7] Add AIDE OVAL content for new AIDE XCCDF
- [Bugfix] Add OS Certification check for AIDE FIPS OVAL
Ansible changes / enhancements:
- [Ansible][Enhancement] Initial ansible support (rhel7)
- [Ansible][Enhancement] ansible service disabled (rhel7)
- [Ansible][Enhancement] RHEL7: Add ANSIBLE_kernel_module_disabled
- [Ansible] Disable POST password expiration
- [Ansible] create_permission: merge & add ansible
- [Ansible] another ansible scripts
- [BugFix][RHEL/7] RHEL-7 remediation for 'no_empty_passwords' rule is missing --follow-symlinks currently. Fix that and unify the remediations
- [Fedora][RHEL6][RHEL7][BugFix] Fix remediations without platforms
- [BugFix][RHEL/7] Rewrite RHEL-7 remediation for 'smartcard_auth' rule
- [RHEL7] MollyJoBault remediation scripts + fixes by Shawn
- [Bugfix][RHEL6][RHEL7] Added newline to MACs remediation
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Enhance remediation attributes
- [Bugfix][RHEL/7] Various remediation script fixes
- [Bugfix] Don't bleed remediation content into irrelevant other remediations in…
- [Infrastructure] RHEL7 generate accounts_password
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add CCE identifiers to scripts that contain the 'CCENUM' keyword
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Addremediations xslt simplification
- [Infrastructure] Build remediations refactoring
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add Anaconda Remediation Scripts
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add Puppet Remediation scripts
- [Enhancement] [issue 1369]idempotent kernel modules
- [BugFix][Infrastructure] Fix parallel make
- [Enhancement][Infastructure][RHEL/7] Migrate more local XSLT to shared XSLT
- [Infrastructure][Enhancement][RHEL/6][RHEL/7] Fix for #1297 (include the HTML tables and available kickstarts) into produced RPM
- [Bugfix][Enhancement][Infrastructure] Map OSSRG to DISA SRG URI
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add vendor variable
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add custom CCE and Reference capability for Corporate Policies
- [Enhancement][RHEL/7] Finished moving RHEL7 XSLT to shared XSLT
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix][infrastructure] Add product stig name variable to shared_xccdf2stigformat.xslt
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Update local XLST content to use shared XSLT
- [Bugfix] Update SSG project web URL in content
- [Fedora][Infrastructure] Remove Fedora 22 support
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Fix various issues
- [Enhancement][EAP/5] Add build capability and cleanup
- [BugFix][Infrastructure] Get rid of duplicate definition of selected OVAL entities (fix for part of #50)
- [Infrastructure] Utils transforms refactoring
- [Enhancement] PCI-DSS centric benchmarks for RHEL6 and 7
- [Infrastructure][BugFix] Add missing <title> and elements for the 'certified-vendor' xccdf:Group
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix][infrastructure] Remove rhel5 naming from table generation
- [Infrastructure] Default to the number of CPUs in for the number of jobs
- [Infrastructure][RHEL7] Update rhel7-cpe-dictionary.xml
- [Infrastructure] Update files by generated versions
- [Enhancement] Add initial OpenSUSE and SUSE build directories
- [Bugfix] Makefile fixes
- [Infrastructure] Refactor template - create_*.py
- [Infrastructure] Move validate-bash to shared makefile
- [Infrastructure][Enhancement][Infrastucture] Update disa references
- [Infrastructure] Don't destroy targets, cp instead of mv. That way rebuilds are faster.
- [Infrastructure] to support multiple directories as input
- [Infrastructure] Use os.path.join instead of string concat for better sanity checks
- [Infrastructure] Move generated scripts
- [Bugfix] Fix doubled fixes
- [Infrastructure] combineovals: remove deprecated branch of code
- [Infrastructure] Parallelize the "validate" target
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Introduce "" helper
- [Infrastructure][Enhancement] Enhance the '' helper yet
- [Infrastructure] End with fatal error if the remediations XML doc can't be loaded
- [Infrastructure] Combine OVAL - stop copying generated oval
- [Infrastructure] Move templates & split generations
- [Infrastructure] RHEL5/Fedora use bash templates
- [Infrastructure] shared: add template for BASH permission [SMALL]
- [Infrastructure] Shared: Generate bash - init version
- [Infrastructure] Fix prefix path for shared remediations
- [Bugfix] Fix minor mkdir issue
- [Enhancement] Consolidate common README files and update
- [Infrastructure] xccdf-addremediations.xslt: Refactor
- [Infrastructure] Rhel6 use generated bash
- [Infrastructure] Remove forgotten print()
- [Infrastructure] Shared: generate package_removed
- [Infrastructure] Shared: generate kernel_module_disabled
- [Infrastructure] Shared: generate package_installed
- [Infrastructure] Templates rhel7 permissions
- [Infrastructure] Templates rhel7
- [Infrastructure] rhel6 permissions
- [Infrastructure] rhel5: Generate file permissions
- [Infrastructure] Remove duplicates remediations
- [Infrastructure] Fix remediations
- [Infrastructure] Introduce file generator
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Use shared_guide.xml for content and additional fixes
- [Infrastructure] compare_remediations
- [Infrastructure] create_package_(removed_installed) merge
- [Infrastructure] Remove duplicates templates
- [Infrastructure] Duplicates finder
- [Infrastructure] Add support to restrict targets in csv file
- [Enhancement] share architecture rules more easily
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Remove RHEL idents for derivative OSes
- [Bugfix] Fix RHEL7 CCP idrefs
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Add shared intro XCCDF
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] .gitignore all files in templates/output
- [Bugfix] Correct filenames for EL7 derivatives in OSP confgurations.
- [Bugfix] Various Fixes
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix] Ignore 'THIS FILE IS GENERATED' comments when combining remediation scripts
- [Enhancement] Check dangling references in all products
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] fix ansible xccdf sub
- [Enhancement] Add CPE for WRLinux
- [Bugfix][Enhancement] Python transformation scripts refactoring
- [Enhancement] Add complexity, disruption, reboot, and strategy attributes to script templates
- [Bugfix] Remove remaining chkconfig scripts from RHEL7
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Remove old "suse" mapping.
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Various SUSE build fixes
- [Infrastructure] Auto-generate contributor lists
- [Bugfix] Fixed build issues in SUSE and added sample rules.
- [Infrastructure] Introduce
- [Bugfix] Correct minor typo
- [Bugfix] fix cut-n-paste error in SE Linux daemon rule comment
- [Infrastructure] Get rid of attestation references
- [Bugfix] Fix minor typoe (sic)
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix][RHEL\6] Fix when cleaning on RHEL/6
- [Infrastructure] Remove underused targets (mainly building upstream RPMs)
- [Infrastructure] Do not install the shared remediation_functions file
- [Infrastructure] Clean old remediation files
- [Infrastructure] Compare generated - add oval
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Utils transforms move refactor
- [Bugfix] Fix zipfile tarball
- [Infrastructure] Deduplicate remediation templates
- [Infrastructure] Move built remediations away from templates
- [Infrastructure] Split shared generate-from-templates calls into bash, ansible and oval
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] New install location
- [Enhancement][Infrastructure] Purge mistery unused files
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix][infrastructure] Don't fail
make install
if soft link already exists - [Infrastructure] RPM building is back!
- [Infrastructure][Bugfix] Update append_or_replace sed in remediation_functions.xml
- [Bugfix] Updating invalid e-mail in Author list
- [Bugfix][Infrastructure] Fix Philippe Thierry's email mapping in
- [Bugfix] Add 'DO NOT EDIT' comments to Contributors files
- [Bugfix][RHEL6][RHEL7] Add Fedora and RHEL profiles descriptions to man
- [Infrastructure] Simplify Makefile clean target $(OUT) file/directory removal
- [Bugfix] Build RHEL6 guides for profiles desktop and ftp
- [Enhancement] Ubuntu build packages