You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 48
Static Data
This part of the metadata includes optional static data fields. Currently the colored coins implementation recognizes the following keys:
Including the [assetId](Asset ID) in the metadata during asset transfer, while optional, can expedite processing. Note that one cannot include the Asset ID during issuance because the Asset ID was not yet determined.
Asset Name as a free string
This field is required only upon re-issuance of an asset by a minter, regardless of whether the asset is locked or unlocked. The genesis field stores the block and transaction ids of the issuance transaction.
A free string describing the Asset's issuer
A free string describing the Asset
An array of JSON objects, each containing a link to a file (hosted on some remote server) containing data about the asset.
name: String,
url: String,
mimeType: String, // mime type of data in that url
dataHash: String // SHA-256 hash of the data (to allow data verification)
the following are predefined names for use with the coloredcoins explorer:
- this will be the icon of the asset on asset pages and lists
- a larger version of the icon to be displayed on larger screens
Other examples:
consider a legal contract describing the issuer's promise to redeem each unit for goods or services in the real world. That legal document file can be hosted on the issuer's company website and linked using the URL data field. A hash of the document can be stored as well to ensure that the issuer (or otherwise host of the data) did not alter it. Both issuers and holders of an asset can thus refer unambiguously to the original contract against which the asset was issued.
A list of free JSON objects.
A special key named meta
is used to allow the colored coins explorer and client side applications to display said data.
The value of the meta
key should be an array of {key,value,type}
objects that will be displayed by the explorer.
{key: String, value: String, type: String}
Data Types that are currently parsed by the explorer:
String, Number, Boolean, Date, URL, Email, Array
the Array
type expects an array of {key: String, value: String, type: String}
objects, this allows building hierarchical data formation.
if a Type is not specified the parser defaults to the JSON datatype (String, Number or Boolean)
{key: "user name", value: "username", type: "String"}
{key: "birthday", value: "01/01/1970", type: "Date"}
key: "company",
value: [
{key: String, value: String, type: String},
{key: String, value: String, type: String}
type: "Array"
On top of the meta key, whose values are parsed and displayed in the colored coins explorer, you can add arbitrary key value pairs.
The general syntax of the userData key is thus
userData : {
meta: [
{key: String, value: String, type: String},
{key: String, value: String, type: String},
user_key: user_value,
user_key: user_value,
The colored coins protocol supports the use of RSA public keys for metadata encryption. Any (or all) of the free JSON user data values can be encrypted by specifying
- The JSON key whose value is to be encrypted
- The format:
- The padding scheme:
To encrypt user metadata add an encryptions key whose value is an array
encryptions: [ {key: "user_key", pubKey: 'RSA Public Key',format:'pem|der',type:'pkcs1|pkcs8' }, {key: "user_key", pubKey: 'RSA Public Key',format:'pem|der',type:'pkcs1|pkcs8' }, ....... ]
each element of the array is a JSON of the form
{ key:String, pubKey:String, format:String, type:String }
- key: The free JSON user data key whose value is to be encrypted
- pubKey: An RSA public key
format: The RSA public key format (
) -
type: The RSA padding scheme (
Here is an example.
Issuer verification is supported by adding a verifications key to the metadata.
verifications: { social:{ network_1:{ ......... }, network_2:{ ......... }, .......... }, domain:{ url:"https://www.example.com/path/to/file/filename.txt" }, signed:{ message: "plain text message", signed_message: "signed message", cert: ssl certificate (in some format) } }
Each social media requires slightly different data, so for example we can have
verifications: { social:{ twitter:{ username: 'my_username' }, facebook:{ page_id: '1233454356' }, github:{ gist_id: '6c704f5759927212e714' } }, domain:{ url:"https://www.example.com/digital_assets/assets.txt" }, signed:{ message: "We at example.com verifying issuance of colored coins asset with asset ID [LJEC6Q2h9JKNvZqEC87TbEXvxm4br1uivb2QX].", signed_message: "-----BEGIN CMS----- MIIFawYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIFXDCCBVgCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADCBgQYJ KoZIhvcNAQcBoHQEcldlIGF0IGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIHZlcmlmeWluZyBpc3N1YW5j ZSBvZiBjb2xvcmVkIGNvaW5zIGFzc2V0IHdpdGggYXNzZXQgSUQgW0xKRUM2UTJo OUpLTnZacUVDODdUYkVYdnhtNGJyMXVpdmIyUVhdLqCCAwMwggL/MIIB56ADAgEC AgEBMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMBoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQKDAJaNDAe Fw0xMzA4MjgxODI4MzRaFw0yMzA4MjgxODI4MzRaMBoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQsw CQYDVQQKDAJaNDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAN906qi0 d3nlJg7R0vPahd6eDD+1n6rdmY495WYy44whg78K/XCTZTQ4rim6Dg4FIk+GXT1m zojAHw3A85TsQNOAw5xBRgH/pA0IjUntmbagu25yHPPikhv6jhkCFWmsuFHK+qLw 5MpDuR8Z+zlO7CafUz/R9CR/MzEAOmM4o2B/S7LqU3q62N1Os8ooVRA11zr9PLwR 5OdATBSWxPYsBcJ8QrFOflGVGWMPO1LtJ+CzxUvQU/LVCLwH50VyBFgoWtymxVpn WUGZcqxcNG7lBH9GDd/0NGrgZHWw0fxEtj24CkyXZI3P6xHjNE8bzlH+x7lDToa7 QFRDdQ+brsRNVksCAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFAdk9MTJBW7/Qj/dBaGVPJbt ahPNMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFAdk9MTJBW7/Qj/dBaGVPJbtahPNMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMB Af8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAMfGon3LxqVMftqBUxZl+Jz9Fut28fDKr4g6 uANOirKjTD4hnoEKf2+O/mK6Gq7gWis5YMAWlAplbQMsEkRDL/v/T72mTYM+ErVf N06i+VKuRG34ZwSkadRefMAJcMFs7T5auT6FyMSRBFErVtbauScBEgQkb0ZL6lKE /0Gr/QGY2wx6l01wFrTPdrkHR/MXIJChSVfpFOrFHDWHVC3kXTSl+yntKNdUi9hx 7Ado0BJu2jWfmGtLPVVj2EttrXWK8vU3hahZubMAvoFZpuwLYP8x6dJPb9fqFMrI ZemDcSDaHeIu9S3Bw2fLSFEqy1zvcmX3FHepd9cokfROFOWrSCoxggG1MIIBsQIB ATAfMBoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQKDAJaNAIBATANBglghkgBZQMEAgEF AKBpMBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJAzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTE1 MTAxMzA4MjM0N1owLwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMSIEIEmnhXUqo76ePeBF1RGvV0oCDsGZ 3kF+Z6RvD3eC8lSXMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUABIIBADWkvjI5Adtlj7MKZ6m8Q20Y uonGMQBmOJNBIfG2X+nfRFO7FGKT7hGT7Hx5Hkx2oStljdMC1C/orNQUzC7BORuF JKLktO79a4nSpegEN5X1JK2ZLsifUONup3EgLGNj9NR5AIGlLM7fLVKAAPrOLnlf mXt5awcgLEztzM+/W7HMPDS+neKGwFtDdjZgNOQjGKehnjWv8vDeslIxVq+FHlAy 0GYd2y14RwTxejIU1mpXRP6I1J8/9OwUNmW8J1oELi9qgx/WdeppXwZma9QLWBU7 qZT5uAGldHG1UJl+sJ266J96wB5TyvCXzdT+G5Pw7as3tn1GIXel/hXIMu0Nq00= -----END CMS-----", cert: "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC/zCCAeegAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAaMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEL MAkGA1UECgwCWjQwHhcNMTMwODI4MTgyODM0WhcNMjMwODI4MTgyODM0WjAaMQsw CQYDVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECgwCWjQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAw ggEKAoIBAQDfdOqotHd55SYO0dLz2oXengw/tZ+q3ZmOPeVmMuOMIYO/Cv1wk2U0 OK4pug4OBSJPhl09Zs6IwB8NwPOU7EDTgMOcQUYB/6QNCI1J7Zm2oLtuchzz4pIb +o4ZAhVprLhRyvqi8OTKQ7kfGfs5Tuwmn1M/0fQkfzMxADpjOKNgf0uy6lN6utjd TrPKKFUQNdc6/Ty8EeTnQEwUlsT2LAXCfEKxTn5RlRljDztS7Sfgs8VL0FPy1Qi8 B+dFcgRYKFrcpsVaZ1lBmXKsXDRu5QR/Rg3f9DRq4GR1sNH8RLY9uApMl2SNz+sR 4zRPG85R/se5Q06Gu0BUQ3UPm67ETVZLAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQHZPTE yQVu/0I/3QWhlTyW7WoTzTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQHZPTEyQVu/0I/3QWhlTyW7WoT zTAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4IBAQDHxqJ9y8alTH7agVMW Zfic/RbrdvHwyq+IOrgDToqyo0w+IZ6BCn9vjv5iuhqu4ForOWDAFpQKZW0DLBJE Qy/7/0+9pk2DPhK1XzdOovlSrkRt+GcEpGnUXnzACXDBbO0+Wrk+hcjEkQRRK1bW 2rknARIEJG9GS+pShP9Bq/0BmNsMepdNcBa0z3a5B0fzFyCQoUlX6RTqxRw1h1Qt 5F00pfsp7SjXVIvYcewHaNASbto1n5hrSz1VY9hLba11ivL1N4WoWbmzAL6BWabs C2D/MenST2/X6hTKyGXpg3Eg2h3iLvUtwcNny0hRKstc73Jl9xR3qXfXKJH0ThTl q0gq -----END CERTIFICATE-----" } }