Releases: CoffeeITWorks/ansible_burp_reports
Releases · CoffeeITWorks/ansible_burp_reports
Fixes on molecule v4 tests and latest galaxy meta compatibility
Fixes on tests and idempotence
Merge pull request #4 from CoffeeITWorks/develop Fix tests and idempotence
Upgrade to molecule v3
Merge pull request #3 from CoffeeITWorks/develop v1.5.2 tweak
fix on meta dependencies
v1.5.2 fix meta dependencies
Update burp_server_reports to 1.4.2
- Update burp_server_reports to 1.4.2
migrated to molecule v2 and ansible-lint compliant
* migrated to molecule v2 tests
* improved lint checks and fixes on code
fixes in cron tasks
* fixes on cron tasks for burp-reports jobs
* fixes on cron tasks and tests
fixes on default path and upgrade burp reports to 1.4.1
v1.4.1 change default email save path to .
update to 1.4.0 on burp_reports
* Update burp_server_reports to 1.4.0
* Update readme and remove cron job with --details example in /~
fixes in template config for burp_reports and new optional templates for cron and nsca scripts
* fixes in upgrades for config of burp-reports
* included new burp_reports_cron_jobs, burp_reports_nsca_scripts, burp_reports_nagios_servers, burp_reports_install_nsca_client
* adding options to schedule cron jobs in free form
* adding template script to run burp-reports with nsca notification