Various Assembly MIPS projects developed for the "Computer Organization and Design" class during 2019 2nd semester.
The MIPS projects in this repository were developed as a College activity for the 'Computer Organization and Design' class.
To run the project you'll need a MIPS simulator. I recommend MARS and you can download it by clicking here and clicking on 'Download MARS'.
- CheckingInterval.asm - A basic program that checks which interval an entered number is in.
- FindingBiggest.asm - A program that returns the biggest of three entered numbers.
- GuessingGame.asm - You have three chances to find what number the computer generated. Try your best and good luck!
- RoboQueSegueLinha.asm - The finals project of the class. Simulation of robotics with MIPS. Basically a robot that finds a line and follow it.
- Tutorial - Simulacao de robotica com MIPS.pdf - Step by step tutorial, in Portuguese, explaining every decision in the project.
The following images show executions of the robotic simulations with MIPS:
- Claudio Kamoda - 2019-2
- Beatriz and Israel