This detector allows you to write a score based on what you play, allowing you to understand how accurately a note was played, with the vote at the end of the performance.
The code you can download is the result of my thesis in musinformatics presented by me at the Bachelor's degree of the "University of Salerno". This is a classical violin tone detector.
I am a violinist and during the years of studies I could understand that when you play a sheet music you make notes whose sound is not always perfectly precise and this is more evident when you are accompanied with the piano, or you play octaves.
This led to the design of a detector, whose function is to minimize these small inaccuracies.
The detector is a program that runs on a computer and uses the microphone to capture the note played by the violin and translate its frequency and its execution time into the note on the score with the relative precision.
The "Violin Pitch Detector" program was essentially created for two reasons:
- Recognize the notes, so both the duration and the height, to rewrite a score to Run Time based on the instrument, in this case the classical violin;
- Improve the accuracy of the notes for a violinist;
This program turns out to be interesting given its double utility, both for those who approach the world of the violin and who begin to learn the correspondence between the notes on the stave and the correct positions of the fingers on the strings for the right pitch, both for those who they are more experienced to perfect the pitch (especially for those who do not have the absolute pitch). Obviously, this program does not want to replace the classic exercise of listening to the note and other similar exercises for the memorization of the correct intonation.
Moreover, another reason that led to its creation is to improve and reduce any existing problems such as the recognition of notes based on the musical instrument: each has its own stamp and this characterizes it and the difference compared to any other instrument and that is why a "universal" operation on any instrument cannot be precise enough either for normal operation, but especially in case there may be general noise.
The user must set simple parameters in the following order:
- in the PANEL 1 must select the microphone: the first selectable is the default one that is chosen on your operating system;
- in the PANEL 2 must not select anything (currently): since the most appropriate algorithm for the violin is the one already pre-selected, the others have been disabled.
- in the PANEL 3 must select the material of the strings of the violin;
- in the PANEL 4 must set the minimum listening threshold that corresponds to a filter for the disturbances; can do it in two ways:
- Manually moving the slider according to your needs. You can help by observing the PANEL 11: the yellow line represents the minimum threshold and everything that will be found below this line will be considered disturbed and ignored by the listener; what will be found above this line, on the other hand, will be accepted;
- Automatically by pressing the appropriate button inside the PANEL and then follow the instructions on the screen;
- in the PANEL 5 must set the quality of listening which corresponds to a ratio between the probability of recognition and disturbances; can do it in two ways:
- Manually moving the slider according to your needs;
- Automatically in turn subdivided into two other ways:
- Automatically 1 leaving the default value relative to the selected string;
- Automatically 2 by pressing the appropriate button inside the PANEL and then follow the instructions on the screen; If you want to return to the default values ??of the selected string you must necessarily press the return button to the default values.
- in the PANEL 6 must set the execution speed manually; this parameter serves the program to correctly identify the real duration of a performed note.
- in the PANEL 7 must select the time of the song to be executed in manual mode; this parameter serves the program to correctly identify the maximum duration of a note per bar.
- it is good practice to tune the instrument through the tuner which can be started from PANEL 9.
- After executing the following procedure, the user to understand if the program works correctly on your device, must observe the PANEL 12: if when it sounds, the graph marks the continuous red dots, then the program it works correctly, otherwise it will not work properly.
- At this point the user can start the listener through the button in the PANEL 8 and to stop it, there is a button on the listening window for the "STOP".
The source code organization is the same of the project TarsosDSP, metioned previously in the credits.
In addition in src/examples I add the main program with some panels.