This client uses: gocloak and resty
go get
import ""
// GoCloakSession holds all callable methods
type GoCloakSession interface {
// GetKeycloakAuthToken returns a JWT object, containing the AccessToken and more
GetKeycloakAuthToken() (*gocloak.JWT, error)
// Sets the Authentication Header for the response
// Can be used as Middleware in resty
AddAuthTokenToRequest(*resty.Client, *resty.Request) error
// GetGoCloakInstance returns the currently used GoCloak instance.
GetGoCloakInstance() gocloak.GoCloak
// ForceAuthenticate ignores all checks and executes an authentication.
ForceAuthenticate() error
// ForceRefresh ignores all checks and executes a refresh.
ForceRefresh() error
See /~ for complete JWT struct.
// Create a new session
session := NewSession(clientId, clientSecret, realm, uri)
// Authenticate or refresh the token
token, err := session.GetKeycloakAuthToken()
If you want to use it as middleware in resty, you can use the following example
session := NewSession(clientId, clientSecret, realm, uri)
In case you need the GoCloak instance to execute your own commands.
gocloakInstance := session.GetGoCloakInstance()
For local development you need to start a docker container:
docker-compose up -d
To remove running docker container afterwards:
docker-compose down
To run the tests simply use:
make test-all