: Configurations bars.Rofi
: For rofi-bluetooth, rofi launcher and rofi theme selector.MPD
: For audio client with ncmpcpp player.Bspwm
: Window ManagerSxhkd
: Keybindings.Nerd Fonts
: Fonts to the customization.URxvt
: Terminal customization with .Xresources file.Cava
: Virtualizer AudioPicom
: Picom fork -> picom-jonaburg-git
Iosevka Nerd Font
Material Icons
Hack Nerd Fonts
Hack Nerd Fonts
- First, clone the repository.
$ git clone /~https://github.com/Ckabos/dotfile-trans.git
- copy the files in the directories appropriate:
$ cp -r polybar ~/.config/
$ cp -r dunst ~/.config/
$ cp -r mpd ~/.config/
$ cp -r ncmpcpp ~/.config/
$ cp -r picom ~/.config/
$ cp -r ranger ~/.config/
$ cp -r bspwm ~/.config/
$ cp -r zathura ~/.config/
$ cp -r rofi ~/.config/
$ cp -r alacritty ~/.config/
$ cp -r cava ~/.config/
$ cp -r sxhkd ~/.config/