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KFXLog is a customisable logging library written in Objective-C.


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WARNING - This project has not been updated in a while and will be deprecated at some point in the future



To run the example project, clone the repo, run the app and push some buttons.

All the configuration is set in the AppDelegate and you can play around with the configuration properties to see how they effect the formatting.


iOS 8.2+

Xcode 7+


KFXLog is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "KFXLog"




Before calling any of the KFXLog methods you should customise KFXLogConfigurator.

  1. Get a reference to the KFXLogConfigurator singleton (do not initilise an instance using -init).

    KFXLogConfigurator *config = [KFXLogConfigurator sharedConfigurator];
  2. Customise any global settings you want to change from the defaults

    config.buildConfiguration = KFXBuildConfigurationDebug;
    config.consoleLogType = KFXConsoleLogTypeClean;
    config.debugLogMediums = KFXLogMediumConsole | KFXLogMediumFile | KFXLogMediumAlert;
    config.adHocLogMediums =  KFXLogMediumFile | KFXLogMediumAlert;
    config.releaseLogMediums = KFXLogMediumFile | KFXLogMediumService;
    config.shouldLogUncaughtExceptions = NO;
  3. Customise the descriptors for specific logging mediums (Console, File, Alert, Service) that you need to

    // Console Logs
    [config.cleanLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatFir];
    config.cleanLogDescriptor.leadingNewLines = 0;
    // File Logs
    [config.fileLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatBirch];
    config.fileLogDescriptor.split = KFXFileLogsSplitByBuild;
    // Alerts
    [config.alertLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatPine];
    config.alertLogDescriptor.whitelist = KFXLogTypeError | KFXLogTypeFail | KFXLogTypeWarning;
    // Log to a service
    [config.serviceLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatBalsa];
  4. Create an instance of your service logger class if you are using one and set the serviceLogger property on the configurator

    config.serviceLogger = [DEMOServiceLogger serviceLogger];
  5. Print a settings summary if you want to

    [config printSettings];


  1. Import <KFXLog/KFXLog.h>

  2. Log

    [KFXLog logInfoWithSender:self format:@"This is some info."];
    [KFXLog logWarningWithSender:self format:@"This is a warning, warning, warning"];
    [KFXLog logError:error withSender:self];
    [KFXLog logWithCustomPrefix:@"<MESSAGE!!!>" sender:self format:@"This is a message"];
    [KFXLog logSuccess:success withSender:self format:@"Log in successful?"];



  • KFXLog
  • KFXLogConfigurator
  • KFXLoggerDefinitions
  • KFXLogDescriptor
    • KFXBasicLogDescriptor
    • KFXFormattedLogDescriptor
      • KFXCleanLogDescriptor
      • KFXFileLogDescriptor
      • KFXAlertLogDescriptor
      • KFXServiceLogDescriptor


  • KFXLoggerInterface
    • KFXServiceLoggerInterface (conform to & implement to be able to log to a service)

Helpers (Possibly useful if you are implementing a service logger)

  • KFXLogFormatter
  • KFXOptionsReader


  • KFXLogFilesMasterTVC
  • KFXLogFileDetailVC
  • KFXLogFileTVCell


  • KFXLogger
    • KFXAlertLogger
    • KFXConsoleLogger
    • KFXFileLogger


KFXLog's methods can be called from any thread quite safely provided you follow one simple rule:

1. Make your customisations to KFXLogConfigurator before using any of the KFXLog methods.

It is recommended you don't change the configuration settings of KFXLogConfigurator once set. The properties are nonatomic and so not thread safe. If you only set the configuration settings before you start logging then you can call the methods of KFXLog from any thread without any issues as internally we only read from those properties. I considered making all the configuration properties atomic but the overhead seemed unnecessary because even if all the properties were thread safe it still makes more sense to keep the configuration settings the same for the lifetime of the application.

Common Tasks

Logging to Console

  1. Open AppDelegate.m

  2. Add: #import "KFXLogConfigurator.h"

  3. In -application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    KFXLogConfigurator *config = [KFXLogConfigurator sharedConfigurator];
    config.buildConfiguration = KFXBuildConfigurationDebug;
    // Set to clean (print) or standard (NSLog)
    config.consoleLogType = KFXConsoleLogTypeClean; 
    config.debugLogMediums = KFXLogMediumConsole;
    // Set your log format style (look at KFXFormattedLogDescriptor to see the options)
    [config.cleanLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatFir];
  4. Then start logging.

    [KFXLog logConfiguredObject:config sender:self];

Logging to Files

  1. Open AppDelegate.m

  2. Add: #import "KFXLogConfigurator.h"

  3. In -application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    KFXLogConfigurator *config = [KFXLogConfigurator sharedConfigurator];
    config.buildConfiguration = KFXBuildConfigurationDebug;
    config.debugLogMediums = KFXLogMediumFile;
    // Set your log format style (look at KFXFormattedLogDescriptor to see the options)
    [config.fileLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatOak];
  4. Then start logging.

    [KFXLog logConfiguredObject:config sender:self];

Logging to Alerts

  1. Open AppDelegate.m

  2. Add: #import "KFXLogConfigurator.h"

  3. In -application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    KFXLogConfigurator *config = [KFXLogConfigurator sharedConfigurator];
    config.buildConfiguration = KFXBuildConfigurationDebug;
    config.debugLogMediums = KFXLogMediumAlert;
    // Set your log format style (look at KFXFormattedLogDescriptor to see the options)
    [config.alertLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogCherry];
  4. Then start logging.

    [KFXLog logConfiguredObject:config sender:self];

Logging to a Service

  1. Create a new class to act as the ServiceLogger, make it conform to KFXServiceLoggerInterface protocol (inherits from KFXLoggerInterface)

  2. Implement any of the optional methods defined in the protocol KFXLoggerInterface so that your implementation sends the message etc to your WebService.

  3. Open AppDelegate.m

  4. Add: #import "KFXLogConfigurator.h" + Your service logger class

  5. In -application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    KFXLogConfigurator *config = [KFXLogConfigurator sharedConfigurator];
    config.buildConfiguration = KFXBuildConfigurationDebug;
    config.debugLogMediums = KFXLogMediumService;
    // Set your log format style (look at KFXFormattedLogDescriptor to see the options)
    [config.serviceLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogMaple];
    // Set your class as the serviceLogger
    config.serviceLogger = [[DEMOServiceLogger alloc]init];
  6. Then start logging.

    [KFXLog logConfiguredObject:config sender:self];

Viewing Log Files

To show the log files on a device you just need to create an instance of KFXLogFilesMasterTVC and present it within a UINavigationController.

If your presenting view controller is already embedded in a UINavigationController then the following will suffice.

    KFXLogFilesMasterTVC *logFilesTVC = [[KFXLogFilesMasterTVC alloc]init];
    [self.navigationController showViewController:logFilesTVC sender:self];

If your presenting view controller is not already embedded in a UINavigationController then use the following code.

    KFXLogFilesMasterTVC *logFilesTVC = [[KFXLogFilesMasterTVC alloc]init];
    UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:logFilesTVC];
    logFilesTVC.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithTitle:@"Dismiss" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(dismissButtonTapped:)];
    [self showViewController:nav sender:self];
    // Implement the -dismissButtonTapped: method...

Log Format Styles

For the subclasses of KFXFormattedLogDescriptor there are many properties you can change. To simplify things a bit I've set up a bunch of styles which can you use with the Enum KFXLogFormat like so:

[config.fileLogDescriptor configureWithLogFormat:KFXLogFormatBirch];

You can take a look in KFXFormattedLogDescriptor.m to see the settings for each style - I couldn't think of a more user friendly place to do it. I've including some samples of each style below. Find one that is close to what you want and then tweak the settings to your liking.

◎ <INFO>                    This is some info.; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fb220d01eb0>;
◎ <WARNING>                 This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fb220d01eb0>;
◎  [8/5/16, 4:49:59 PM] <INFO>          This is some info.; Sender: AppDelegate;

◎  [8/5/16, 5:08:33 PM] <WARNING>       This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: AppDelegate;
<INFO> This is some info.;
<WARNING> This is a warning, warning, warning;
<INFO> This is some info.; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fde0be079a0>;
<WARNING> This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fde0be079a0>;
* [INFO]         This is some info.;

* [WARNING]      This is a warning, warning, warning;
• <INFO>--------- This is some info.; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7f990a508330>;
• <WARNING>------ This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7f990a508330>;
★ [8/5/16, 5:10:44 PM] <INFO>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is some info.; Sender: AppDelegate; <AppDelegate: 0x7fddeaf0b840>;

★ [8/5/16, 5:10:44 PM] <WARNING>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: AppDelegate; <AppDelegate: 0x7fddeaf0b840>;
##  [8/5/16, 5:11:28 PM] _________________<*INFO*> Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fd9b8411a30>; This is some info.;
##  [8/5/16, 5:11:28 PM] ______________<*WARNING*> Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fd9b8411a30>; This is a warning, warning, warning;
[8/5/16, 5:12:08 PM] !INFO! This is some info.;
[8/5/16, 5:12:08 PM] !WARNING! This is a warning, warning, warning;
(INFO)             This is some info.;
(WARNING)          This is a warning, warning, warning;
(INFO) Sender: AppDelegate; This is some info.;
(WARNING) Sender: AppDelegate; This is a warning, warning, warning;
+ [8/5/16, 5:13:58 PM] [INFO]______________ Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fe5cae05b80>; This is some info.;

+ [8/5/16, 5:13:58 PM] [WARNING]___________ Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7fe5cae05b80>; This is a warning, warning, warning;
Δ [8/5/16, 5:14:27 PM]            [INFO] This is some info.; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7ffa93507340>;
Δ [8/5/16, 5:14:27 PM]         [WARNING] This is a warning, warning, warning; Sender: <AppDelegate: 0x7ffa93507340>;


Christian Fox,


KFXLog is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


KFXLog is a customisable logging library written in Objective-C.







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