First release!
Thanks for taking a look at the first release of the project. It's been a long journey and there is more work to be done, but finally I am happy to release the first version of the software.
Editor available here
- Customisable Pages: Multiple pages can be used to categorise different sensor data types. Users can customise titles, colours, layout, gauges and transitions of each page to achieve a unique design. All customisations happen live over the network, so when you make a change to a page, sensor or text, it will immediately take effect on the monitor.
- Save System: Users can create as many designs as they want, save files can be shared with other users. Designs are saved automatically so that no changes are lost.
- Page Overview: A useful overview page will display all of the different customised pages within one design.
- Network Scanning: The system will scan the network for Hardware Monitors to connect to and provide a list of available devices to the user. Automatic connection to the last connected device means that the user does not need to configure the application to connect to a Hardware Monitor every time it is launched. Eliminates the need for determining and entering IP addresses.
- Gauges: Tons of animated and customisable gauges provides many ways to present hardware sensor data.
- Efficiency: Being a Hardware Monitor, the system is designed to have as little impact on system hardware resource as possible. The usage of JNI to communicate with hardware sensor data collection library results in miniscule CPU usage. The software also has a state tracking system to construct the GUI only when in use, resulting in even lower CPU and memory usage.
- Not Intrusive: After the user has created their first design, the GUI can be closed and the software will continue to run in the background/system tray. Upon user sign-in, the software will run in the background, automatically connecting and communicating with the previously connected to Hardware Monitor.
- Extensive Hardware Monitoring: Many of the users hardware sensors can be monitored such across a range of hardware types such as CPU, GPU, memory and storage devices.